Water Coming Out of Exhaust – Why Water Is Coming Out of My Truck Exhaust?

If you have experienced water coming out of exhaust, then it should ease your mind to know that you can easily know the problem. Trucks have an internal combustion engine whose by-product is exhaust gases. After complete combustion, the outlet valve of the combustion chamber will open to let the exhaust fumes into the exhaust system. The exhaust system has various components, from the engine to the tailpipe. At some point, you will observe water coming out of your tailpipe, which might signal leakages from the exhaust system. 

Water Coming Out of Exhaust

Water coming out of exhaust should not make you worry because it does not symbolize any serious issue with your truck. But it is necessary to find out the actual cause of water from the exhaust system and fix it as soon as possible. Doing this will enable you to troubleshoot your truck and fix it. Here are some of the reasons why water might come out of your exhaust system.

Hot Engine

The engine will be heated most when you start your truck for the first time in the day. The oil will flow to various parts to cool down and lubricate your engine. Before this happens, your engine and the exhaust system will be very hot. If it is cold, you will see water droplets from the tailpipe of your truck for a while before drying up.

Condensation of Water in the Engine

During combustion, your truck will produce some pollutants, such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and water vapor. When the exhaust fumes are exiting the combustion chamber, water and carbon dioxide mix as your engine is cooling down, and as this happens, you will be able to see condensed water from your exhaust pipe.

The Catalytic Converter Performing its Role

Water coming out of exhaust might not be a bad thing after all. The catalytic converter is an essential part of the exhaust system. During combustion, harmful gases are produced, and the catalytic converter has metallic components which neutralize the harmful gases by initiating chemical reactions. During such reactions, the harmful gases are reduced to an environmentally friendly substance such as water. On most occasions, the reactions in the catalytic converter make your truck produce water from the exhaust pipe.

Faulty Head Gasket 

A faulty head gasket is a serious problem for your truck which you should address as soon as possible. When your head gasket is blown, your truck will white smoke accompanied by water droplets. You will also be able to witness air bubbles in your coolant reservoir and also overheating problems.

Damaged Pistons and Rings

Damaged pistons and rings can make your truck produce water from the exhaust system. To determine this, you will see smoke accompanied by water coming out of your exhaust system. Sometimes, when this issue is worse, the smoke will be accompanied by a sweet smell. In this case, you need to stop immediately and seek mechanical assistance.


Having looked at some of the causes of water coming out of exhaust, we hope it helps you easily deal with it. The effects of water vapor are the most common cause of water droplets from the tailpipe. You will experience this when you start your truck on a cold morning. Sometimes, the presence of water might signal serious issues which you will have to fix for your truck to keep serving you. 

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