7 Truck Detailing Tips To Save You Money

What are some of the truck detailing tips that you know? If you had taken your truck for professional detailing, you are more likely to pay more than $100 for a thorough job. If you wish to keep your truck clean by thoroughly working on it, this guide will give you all the details you need to perform this task.

Truck Detailing Tips To Save You Money

Here are some of the money-saving detailing tips that every truck owner needs to know about. It will also help keep your truck looking more valuable and last long.

Start From The Top

When cleaning your truck, it is normal to start from the bottom, and the assumption is that the bottom part of the truck is usually dirty and will require a little energy to work on. Starting from the bottom means that as you advance to wash the upper part, junk from the top will drop to the bottom and make it dirty.

When detailing your truck, you must start from the top such that when the dirt from the top falls, it will find the bottom already dirty, and you will only have to clean it once.

Suck Dust

The quantity of dust that comes into contact with your truck depends on where you often drive. Dust gets into vital parts of the truck, which you cannot easily access. Apart from access, some parts are delicate and may not need water to clean. You must use a vacuum cleaner to suck out the dust from such areas.

Remove the Odors From the Interior

The bad smell makes your cabin uncomfortable. Removing the odors is a procedure when detailing your truck, usually done after the truck is clean and drying up. It would help if you bought an aerosol can of a non-Smokey spray that will kill bad smells from your truck.

Clean the Seats

If your interior is made of leather, pre-treat them with a conditioner before you start cleaning. Cleaning the seats will remove any liquid or food particles that might have slipped on the seats. You will use locally available tools to clean your seats.

Rinse Your Truck Before Washing

Before washing your truck, consider using warm water to rinse it. Doing this will loosen the dust particles and make it easy for the soap to remove them. 

Deep Clean the Carpet

The floor carpet holds a lot of particles and dust. Performing a regular cleaning may not remove these particles. You need a carpet cleaner that will remove every dirt from the fibers. After this, take the carpet outside to get aeration and dry from the sunlight heat.

When you realize that your carpets are old, consider replacing them. Buying a new carpet is not expensive. Installing a new one in your truck elevates and gives it a luxurious feel.

Remove Off Stickers

Sometimes your truck was hired by some agency that covered your truck with their stickers. They may bring your truck when these stickers are not effectively removed. It is necessary to remove these stickers when detailing your truck. Use a degreaser and a fresh razor blade to perform this role.


Detailing your truck will restore its new look and also helps maintain its value. However, when you take your truck for detailing, you will part with lots of money. The detailing tips discussed in this guide will save you money because you will do them at home, most of which require readily available resources.

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