Unraveling the Power Behind Honda Acty Spark Plugs

When it comes to keeping your Honda Acty running smoothly, there’s one tiny yet mighty component that plays a crucial role in its performance: the spark plug. Often overlooked, these small wonders are the unsung heroes of your vehicle’s ignition system, igniting the air-fuel mixture to kickstart the combustion process. Let’s delve deeper into the workings of Honda Acty spark plugs and uncover their five major importances.

Igniting the Spark: How Honda Acty Spark Plugs Work

At the heart of every combustion engine lies the spark plug, a small but mighty device tasked with initiating the combustion process. In a Honda Acty, this process begins when the piston compresses the air-fuel mixture within the cylinder. As the piston reaches the top of its stroke, the spark plug delivers a precisely-timed electric spark, igniting the compressed mixture and generating the power needed to propel the vehicle forward. This seamless orchestration happens thousands of times per minute, ensuring smooth engine operation and optimal performance.

The Importance Honda Acty Spark Plugs

Below is a more detailed guide focusing on the functionings of Honda Acyt spark plugs and why they are very important in any vehicle.

Enhanced Fuel Efficiency

A key importance of maintaining healthy spark plugs in your Honda Acty is improved fuel efficiency. When spark plugs are worn or dirty, they can misfire or fail to ignite the air-fuel mixture efficiently, leading to incomplete combustion. This inefficiency not only robs your vehicle of power but also causes it to guzzle more fuel to compensate. By replacing worn spark plugs regularly, you can ensure that your Acty’s engine operates at peak efficiency, translating to savings at the pump.

Smooth Engine Performance

Nothing disrupts the driving experience quite like a rough-running engine. Faulty spark plugs can cause misfires, rough idling, and hesitation during acceleration, all of which detract from the smoothness of your Honda Acty’s performance. By maintaining properly functioning spark plugs, you can enjoy a smoother ride with consistent power delivery and responsive throttle response, making every journey a pleasure.

Reliable Starting

We’ve all experienced the frustration of a vehicle that refuses to start, especially on cold mornings. Faulty spark plugs can exacerbate this issue, making it difficult for the engine to fire up promptly. By ensuring your Honda Acty’s spark plugs are in good condition, you can minimize the risk of starting problems, ensuring reliable performance even in challenging conditions.

Engine Longevity

Properly functioning spark plugs play a vital role in preserving the overall health and longevity of your Honda Acty’s engine. When spark plugs misfire or fail to ignite the air-fuel mixture efficiently, it can lead to increased stress on other engine components, such as the pistons, valves, and catalytic converter. Over time, this added strain can contribute to premature wear and potential damage. By investing in regular spark plug maintenance, you can safeguard your Acty’s engine and enjoy years of trouble-free driving.

Emissions Control

In today’s environmentally conscious world, reducing vehicle emissions is more important than ever. Faulty spark plugs can contribute to increased tailpipe emissions, including harmful pollutants such as carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons (HC), and nitrogen oxides (NOx). By ensuring your Honda Acty’s spark plugs are in optimal condition, you can help minimize its environmental footprint, reducing air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

Common Honda Acty Spark Plug Issues & Troubleshooting

Here are some of the well known issues of Honda Acty spark plugs and how to fix them.

Fouling: One common spark plug issue is fouling, which occurs when deposits build up on the spark plug’s electrodes, hindering its ability to generate a spark. This buildup can be caused by factors such as oil leakage into the combustion chamber, rich fuel mixtures, or frequent short trips that don’t allow the engine to reach optimal operating temperature. To fix fouled spark plugs, first, identify and address the root cause, such as repairing any oil leaks or adjusting the fuel mixture. Then, remove the spark plugs and clean them using a wire brush or specialized cleaner to remove the deposits. In severe cases, replacement may be necessary.

Carbon Deposits: Carbon deposits can accumulate on the spark plug electrodes over time, particularly in engines that burn oil or run on lower-quality fuel. These deposits can interfere with the spark plug’s ability to produce a consistent spark, leading to rough idling, misfires, and reduced performance. To address carbon deposits, remove the spark plugs and inspect them for buildup. Cleaning the spark plugs with a wire brush or a specialized cleaner can often restore their performance. Additionally, using higher-quality fuel and addressing any underlying engine issues can help prevent further carbon buildup.

Wear and Tear: Like any component, spark plugs can wear out over time, especially in high-mileage vehicles or those subjected to harsh operating conditions. Signs of worn Honda Acty spark plugs include decreased fuel efficiency, rough idling, and difficulty starting the engine. To fix worn spark plugs, simply replace them with new ones according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Be sure to use spark plugs with the correct heat range and electrode gap for your vehicle to ensure optimal performance.

Incorrect Gap: The electrode gap, or the distance between the center electrode and the ground electrode, plays a critical role in the spark plug’s ability to generate a spark. If the gap is too wide or too narrow, it can cause weak or inconsistent sparks, leading to engine misfires and performance issues. To fix incorrect gap issues, use a gap tool to measure and adjust the gap to the manufacturer’s specifications. Be careful not to bend the electrodes during adjustment, as this can affect the spark plug’s performance.

Overheating: In some cases, spark plugs can overheat due to factors such as a lean fuel mixture, advanced ignition timing, or insufficient cooling. Overheating can cause the spark plug’s electrodes to erode prematurely, leading to misfires and reduced performance. To address overheating issues, first, identify and address the underlying cause, such as adjusting the fuel mixture or ignition timing. Additionally, using spark plugs with a lower heat range can help dissipate heat more effectively, reducing the risk of overheating.


While often overlooked, Honda Acty spark plugs play a crucial role in the performance, efficiency, and longevity of your mini truck. By understanding how they work and the importance of proper maintenance, you can ensure that your vehicle remains reliable, efficient, and environmentally friendly for years to come. So, the next time you’re under the hood, don’t forget to give your spark plugs the attention they deserve—they might be small, but their impact is mighty.

Honda Acty Engine Upgrade – Unleashing the Power

In the world of automotive enthusiasts, the quest for more power, better performance, and increased efficiency is an ongoing journey. For owners of the Honda Acty, a compact and versatile utility vehicle, the desire to enhance its capabilities often leads to considering an engine upgrade. While the Acty is renowned for its reliability and utility, upgrading its engine can take its performance to new heights. Let’s delve into the crucial aspects of a Honda Acty engine upgrade and why it’s an important component for enthusiasts and practical users alike.

Power Boost: Enhancing Performance

One of the primary reasons enthusiasts opt for a Honda Acty engine upgrade is to boost its power and performance. The stock engine, while efficient for everyday use, may lack the punch needed for certain applications. By upgrading to a more powerful engine, whether through increased displacement, forced induction, or other modifications, owners can experience a noticeable improvement in acceleration, towing capacity, and overall driving dynamics.

A more potent engine not only enhances the Acty’s performance but also opens up a world of possibilities for customization and personalization. Whether it’s for spirited driving on the weekends or tackling demanding terrain during off-road adventures, a more powerful engine can transform the Acty into a versatile and capable machine.

Efficiency Matters: Improving Fuel Economy

While power and performance are undoubtedly crucial, an engine upgrade can also lead to improvements in fuel economy. Modern engine technologies, such as direct injection, variable valve timing, and advanced engine management systems, can help optimize fuel efficiency without sacrificing performance.

For Acty owners who rely on their vehicles for daily commuting or business operations, a more fuel-efficient engine can result in significant cost savings over time. Moreover, with growing environmental concerns, a more efficient engine can also reduce carbon emissions, contributing to a cleaner and greener future.

Reliability Reinforced: Ensuring Durability

Reliability is a hallmark of Honda vehicles, and an engine upgrade should not compromise this essential aspect. When considering an engine swap or modification, it’s crucial to choose components and upgrades that maintain or even enhance the Acty’s reliability.

Opting for quality aftermarket parts, professional installation, and diligent maintenance practices can help ensure the longevity and durability of the upgraded engine. By investing in reliability, Acty owners can enjoy peace of mind knowing that their vehicle is ready to tackle any challenge, whether it’s a cross-country road trip or a demanding work assignment.

Tailored Performance: Meeting Specific Needs

Every Acty owner has unique requirements and preferences when it comes to performance. Whether it’s increased torque for hauling heavy loads, higher horsepower for spirited driving, or improved off-road capability, an engine upgrade can be tailored to meet these specific needs.

From selecting the right engine configuration to fine-tuning the exhaust system and drivetrain components, the possibilities for customization are virtually endless. With the help of experienced tuners and mechanics, Acty owners can create a vehicle that perfectly suits their lifestyle and driving style, enhancing the overall ownership experience.

Considerations Before Doing Honda Acty Engine Upgrade

Here are some crucial considerations to ensure that your Honda Acty engine upgrade sails through smoothly. 


Compatibility and Fitment: 

Before diving into an engine upgrade for your Honda Acty, it’s crucial to ensure that the new engine is compatible with the vehicle’s existing components and systems. This includes considerations such as engine mounting points, transmission compatibility, and clearance within the engine bay. Opting for an engine that seamlessly integrates with the Acty’s chassis and drivetrain can simplify the installation process and minimize the need for extensive modifications. Additionally, consulting with experienced mechanics or specialty shops can provide valuable insights into compatibility issues and potential challenges, helping you make an informed decision.

Budget and Cost: 

Engine upgrades can vary significantly in terms of cost, depending on factors such as the type of engine, brand, and required modifications. Before embarking on an engine upgrade project, it’s essential to establish a clear budget and outline the associated costs. This includes not only the price of the new engine but also expenses related to installation, additional parts or components, and any unforeseen challenges that may arise during the process. By setting realistic budgetary constraints and researching the cost implications of various upgrade options, you can avoid overspending and ensure that the project remains financially viable.

Performance Goals and Requirements: 

Another key consideration before making a Honda Acty engine upgrade is to define your performance goals and requirements. Are you seeking increased horsepower for spirited driving, enhanced torque for towing or hauling, or improved fuel efficiency for daily commuting? Understanding your specific performance objectives will help guide your engine selection and modification choices. Additionally, consider how the upgraded engine will interact with other vehicle systems, such as suspension, brakes, and tires, to achieve a balanced and cohesive performance package. Whether you’re aiming for a mild upgrade or a high-performance build, clarity regarding your performance goals is essential for a successful engine upgrade project.

Legal and Regulatory Compliance: 

Engine upgrades may have legal and regulatory implications, particularly concerning emissions compliance and vehicle certification. Before proceeding with an engine swap or modification, it’s crucial to research and understand the relevant laws and regulations in your jurisdiction. This includes emissions standards, safety requirements, and any mandatory inspections or certifications for modified vehicles. Failing to comply with legal requirements can result in fines, penalties, or even the inability to register or operate the vehicle on public roads. Consulting with automotive experts or regulatory agencies can provide guidance on navigating these complex legal considerations and ensuring compliance throughout the engine upgrade process.

Long-Term Maintenance and Support: 

Finally, consider the long-term maintenance and support implications of the chosen engine upgrade. Will replacement parts be readily available? Are there qualified mechanics or shops with expertise in servicing and tuning the upgraded engine? Ensuring access to reliable maintenance and support resources is essential for the ongoing reliability and performance of your Honda Acty. Additionally, consider factors such as warranty coverage, aftermarket support, and community forums or networks where you can seek advice and assistance from fellow enthusiasts. By prioritizing long-term maintenance and support considerations, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your upgraded Acty engine will remain in top condition for years to come.


In conclusion, a Honda Acty engine upgrade offers numerous benefits, from increased power and efficiency to enhanced reliability and tailored performance. Whether you’re a dedicated enthusiast seeking more thrills behind the wheel or a pragmatic owner looking to optimize your vehicle for specific tasks, upgrading the Acty’s engine can unlock its full potential.

However, it’s essential to approach an engine upgrade with careful consideration, ensuring that the chosen modifications align with your goals and priorities. By investing in quality components, professional installation, and ongoing maintenance, you can enjoy the benefits of a more powerful, efficient, and reliable Honda Acty for years to come.

The Importance of the Honda Acty Oil Filter

If you’re a proud owner of a Honda Acty, you likely already appreciate the efficiency and reliability of this compact yet versatile vehicle. But amidst all the attention to engine power and fuel economy, there’s a crucial component that often goes unnoticed—the oil filter. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the importance of the Honda Acty oil filter and why your vehicle simply cannot operate without it.

Ensuring Clean Oil Circulation

At the heart of every vehicle’s engine lies its oil circulation system, responsible for lubricating moving parts and preventing wear and tear. The oil filter plays a pivotal role in this system by removing contaminants from the oil, ensuring that only clean lubricant circulates through the engine. In the case of the Honda Acty, a reliable oil filter is indispensable for maintaining optimal engine performance and longevity.

Preventing Engine Damage

Imagine your engine as a finely tuned orchestra, with each component playing its part in perfect harmony. Now, introduce dirt, debris, and metal particles into the mix, and suddenly you have a cacophony of friction and potential damage. This is where the oil filter steps in, acting as a guardian against these harmful impurities. By capturing particles as small as 25 microns, the Honda Acty oil filter shields vital engine components from abrasion and corrosion, preserving their functionality and lifespan.

Optimizing Fuel Efficiency

A clogged or ineffective oil filter can have a ripple effect on your vehicle’s fuel efficiency. As contaminants accumulate in the oil, they increase friction within the engine, leading to decreased performance and higher fuel consumption. By regularly replacing the Honda Acty oil filter in your Honda Acty, you can ensure smooth oil flow and optimal engine operation, ultimately saving on fuel costs and reducing environmental impact.

Extending Engine Lifespan

In the realm of automotive maintenance, proactive care pays dividends in the long run. By prioritizing the health of your Honda Acty’s engine with routine oil filter replacements, you’re not just mitigating immediate risks; you’re investing in its longevity. A well-maintained oil filtration system minimizes wear on critical engine components, such as pistons, bearings, and crankshafts, prolonging their service life and postponing costly repairs or replacements.

Enhancing Performance

Every driver dreams of unlocking their vehicle’s full potential—whether it’s for spirited city driving or tackling rugged terrain. With a clean and efficient oil filter, you’re one step closer to realizing that dream with your Honda Acty. By ensuring proper lubrication and minimizing friction, the oil filter enables smoother acceleration, responsive handling, and overall improved performance. Whether you’re navigating busy streets or embarking on off-road adventures, a well-maintained oil filtration system is your engine’s best ally.

Choosing The Best Honda Acty Oil Filter

When it comes to selecting the best oil filter for your Honda Acty, there are several factors to consider to ensure optimal engine performance and longevity. Here’s a detailed guide on how to choose the right Honda Acty oil filter for your vehicle:


Compatibility: The first step in selecting an oil filter is to ensure compatibility with your Honda Acty’s engine. Check your vehicle’s manual or consult with a trusted mechanic to identify the specific oil filter size and thread pitch required for your engine model. Using an incompatible oil filter can lead to leaks, poor oil circulation, and potential engine damage.

Filtration Efficiency: Look for an oil filter with high filtration efficiency to effectively remove contaminants from the engine oil. Filtration efficiency is typically measured in microns, indicating the size of particles that the filter can capture. Aim for an oil filter that can capture particles as small as 25 microns or less to ensure thorough filtration and protection against engine wear.

Quality Construction: Opt for an oil filter made from high-quality materials that can withstand the rigors of engine operation and maintain structural integrity over time. Look for filters constructed from durable materials such as steel, aluminum, or reinforced plastics. Additionally, consider filters with anti-drain back valves to prevent oil from draining out of the filter when the engine is not running, ensuring immediate lubrication upon startup.

Brand Reputation: Choose oil filters from reputable brands known for their quality and reliability. Brands such as Honda OEM filters, Fram, Purolator, and Bosch are often trusted choices among vehicle owners. While aftermarket filters may offer cost savings, be sure to research the brand’s reputation and read customer reviews to ensure product quality and performance.

Filter Media: Pay attention to the type of filter media used in the oil filter, as it directly impacts filtration efficiency and longevity. Most oil filters utilize either cellulose, synthetic, or a blend of both filter media. Synthetic filter media typically offer superior filtration efficiency and durability compared to cellulose filters, making them an ideal choice for optimal engine protection.

Pressure Relief Valve: Consider oil filters equipped with a pressure relief valve, also known as a bypass valve, which allows oil to bypass the filter in case of excessive pressure buildup. This feature is crucial for ensuring continuous oil flow to the engine during cold starts or in instances of clogged filters, preventing engine damage due to oil starvation.

Warranty Coverage: Check if the Honda Acty oil filter comes with any warranty coverage or guarantees from the manufacturer. A warranty provides peace of mind and assurance of product quality, allowing you to seek replacement or refund in case of any defects or issues with the filter.

The Bottom Line

In the grand symphony of automotive maintenance, the oil filter may seem like a minor note, but its impact reverberates throughout your Honda Acty’s engine. From preserving fuel efficiency to safeguarding against costly repairs, the importance of a reliable oil filter cannot be overstated. So, the next time you pop the hood of your vehicle, remember to give your oil filter the attention it deserves—it’s the unsung hero that keeps your engine humming smoothly mile after mile.

Exploring Different Types of Truck Tires for Different Terrains

Tires have a greater effect on your truck. Therefore, changing them is a time of great opportunity. The tire type on your truck impacts its performance and what it can and cannot do. It is essential to choose the right truck tires.

Success in choosing the right truck tires is knowing the available options from the brands. Then you can narrow the search to specific tires suitable for you. This guide explores different truck tires for different terrains and weather.

All-Terrain Tires

All-terrain tires are suitable for both off-roading and highway driving. Like all-season tires, they perform better on all surfaces despite the season.

Such tires will offer you a smooth and quiet ride on pavements and also handle better on earth terrains. All-terrain tires give an exceptional performance on the pavement and also on unpaved surfaces. 

Heavy-Duty Tires

Heavy-duty truck tires are the best option for commercial trucks and are suitable for hauling trailers, equipment, and campers. Such tires are reliable and durable. They are also capable of handling highways and job sites.

Off-road Tires

Off-road truck tires are generally noisy, but their capability is top-notch for off-road driving. Their tread pattern and size enable them to offer the best traction on rugged surfaces and make them puncture-resistant.

They perform better on sand, mud, gravel, and rocks. If most of your driving is outside pavements, these are the best tires for you. These tires are generally all-season. They always offer a better driving experience on paved surfaces.

Mud Tires

Mud tires offer the best driving experience on muddy terrain. With them, you will not need to use the crawl feature of your truck. All-terrain and all-season tires have narrow gaps that reduce traction, and debris can quickly get stuck on them.

Mud tires have bigger gaps and blocks that let mud and other debris pass through, enabling the truck to leave mud and debris on the earth and not stuck on the tire treads. Mud tires do not have the full potential of puncture protection and perform poorly on paved surfaces. 

Winter Tires

Winter tires offer the best performance during the winter season. They have soft rubber that resists freezing in cold temperatures. They have studs that improve traction and grip on icy terrain. 

Winter Tires gives the best service if you live in areas that experience heavy snow and ice. Such tires will prevent your truck from sliding off and winter-related accidents.


If your truck does it all, splitting your money and time to buy and change tires to match the work, weather, or terrain ahead can be cumbersome. A tire that does well in any situation will be the best for you.  Such tires are durable, reliable and offer the best performance on potholes, pavements, and deep snow. 

All-terrain truck tires perform better on snow, and when paired with the 4wd option, you will get the thrill and best driving experience during winter. Although all-terrain tires will perform better under any circumstance, it is noisy on the highway and might be unresponsive. They are heavy and increase your trucks’ fuel consumption.

The Importance of Regular Fluid Checks and Maintenance

How regularly do you do fluid checks in your truck? A truck is an assembly of mechanical systems that work hand in hand to create motion. As this mechanical system works, they generate heat and rub against each other. They thus need various types of fluids for them to function effectively.  The absence of fluids can prevent the system from working effectively. 

Fluids play vital roles, such as lubricating the moving parts, cooling the system, and generating hydraulic pressure. It is, therefore, necessary to regularly inspect the nature and quantity of these fluids. Here is the importance of doing so.

Engine Oil

You have come across engine oil not once or twice. It is a very vital fluid that supports the life of your engine. Consider doing fluid checks often and top it up whenever its level goes down. You should check it more often when you realize your truck is burning oil. 

Engine oil lubricates the entire system and also cools it. When it’s level drops, the chances that your engine will get damaged are high. 

Transmission Fluid

The transmission, also known as the gearbox, comprises several gears. The gears ensure the right power is transmitted from the engine to the wheels.  The gearbox relies on the transmission fluid that lubricates and cools it. When the transmission fluid level goes down, it turns brown, or you feel a burning smell while driving, it is an indication that you need to replace or top up your transmission fluid.

Engine Coolant

The engine fluid enables your engine to run long without heating up. The cooling process takes place in the radiator. The coolant’s role is to absorb the heat from the engine and take it to the radiator. At the radiator, the cold coolant is dispensed to the engine. 

When the coolant level is down, chances are high that your engine might overheat and even burn the gaskets or destroy the cylinder head. It is essential to check and top up this fluid more often.

Power Steering Fluid

It keeps the steering wheel running smoothly. If its levels drop, it is an indication of leakage. Consult a professional for diagnosis.

Brake Fluid

Your brake fluid should be at the correct level and remain clean. If it is brown, it is a sign of contamination, and you should replace it. Contaminated brake fluid can lead to the failure of the braking system, which poses safety issues. When its level reduces, your brake pedal will be spongy whenever you press it. Whenever you change brake pads, or repair the braking system, consider topping up the brake fluid and bleeding the system. In case of leakages, consult a professional to fix it immediately.


Regular fluid checks is very important. All fluids play a vital role in your truck. Most of them wear out or leak, it is essential to check the quantity and nature of these fluids more often. If you note that the level of a specific fluid drops drastically and there are signs of leakages in your garage, take your truck to an auto repair shop for a check-up. Hopefully, you now know why it is important to do regular fluid checks on your truck.

Tips For Choosing the Right Gear Ratio for Your Pickup Truck

The entire powertrain of your pickup truck works as a system. For this selecting the best gear ratio is hectic. Each engine has that sweet spot at peak power and torque. We always desire for the transmission and axle gear to remain at this point as our truck is hauling or doing any strenuous activity.

The axle ratio is not an entire but only a portion of the overall gearing, and various automakers spend more time and effort in powertrain matching. Powertrain matching is a system approach since the engine, transmission, axles, and tires work as a unit. Here are the tips for choosing the right gear ratios for your pickup truck.

Understand the Axle Ratios

Pickup trucks have a range of optional axle ratios. The axle ratio is the gears in the differential. The differential is a mechanical device that links the drive shaft to the rear axle for effective power flow from the engine. The axle ratio is usually expressed as 3.55:1, meaning when the driveshaft turns 3.55 times for a single wheel to make a turn. 

As truck enthusiasts, it is essential to understand that increasing these numerical ratios increases the towing capacity. An increase in towing capacity increases fuel consumption. Higher gear ratios send more engine torque to the wheels. A truck with 4.73 gears can tow a heavier trailer compared to that with a ratio of 3.55 or 3.21. 

Standard Axle Ratios

A balanced axle ratio balances any pickup truck’s performance, capability, and fuel economy. If you do more towing, the highest axle ratio will be what you seek. A high axle ratio will only reduce a gallon on your fuel consumption. Pickup trucks are generally fuel efficient. Therefore, knocking out a gallon from your consumption brings a significant change.

When selecting the right axle ratio, the drive cycle, which is where and how fast you drive, matters a lot.  When driving slowly in rural areas, a higher gear will give you the best driving experience without damaging the final mpg of your truck. When driving at high speed on highways, a truck with a lower gear will offer the best option as this decreases the engine rpm and improves fuel economy. 

Axle Issues You Can’t Ignore

When choosing the axle ratio, the EPA fuel economy information on the window sticker only applies to the standard axle. Thus, in case you see any axle ratio listed, know it will reduce the fuel economy figures printed on the EPA sticker. 

You cannot easily compare the axle ratio and their effects on towing in every pickup truck. This is because every truck manufacturer uses different tire sizes, and the tire is the final gear in all pickup trucks.

When buying a truck, you will hear of tall and short gear. Trucks with tall gears move far on a single turn compared to those with short gears. 


When buying a pickup truck, it is essential to understand the gear ratios, as this will help you choose the right truck. The gear ratios are what bring the variation in the performance of every truck. Consider why you need the pickup truck, as this will help you choose the right gear ratio. 

Pickup Truck Hitches – Exploring The Different Types

How much do you know about pickup truck hitches? There are several trailer types today that brings various hitching system suitable for your pickup truck. The hitching system can either be bumper-pull hitches or in-bed hitches. Bed mount hitches are the best for towing heavier loads and improve the stability of your pickup truck. If you towing smaller trailers, the bumper pull is the best option. This guide explores various types of pickup truck hitches you can install.

Bumper-Pull Hitches

When using this type of hitch, at most, 10% of the trailer weight should be the trailer tongue. This rule applies regardless of the bumper-pull hitch type you are using.

Fixed Ball Mount

This is the most common and cheapest hitch. They have various fixed heights and are connected to conventional receivers. They are available in multiple sizes, such as 2-inch, 4-inch, and 6-inch. 

Every hitch is identified by the weight it can support. Usually, they have a weight ratio of up to 20,000 pounds. Most of them have removable hitch balls, but some have three different size hitch balls and tow hooks. The common ones are steel, but you will find aluminum.

Adjustable Ball Mount

They are very versatile and the best option for those towing multiple trailers. Most have two to three different hitch ball sizes and adjustable heights. The adjustable height is perfect for pulling multi-axle trailers. 

The adjustable ball mount is made of steel or aluminum, and some have an inbuilt lock, tongue weight scales, and anti-rattle features. Like fixed ball mounts, they are available in various sizes, but the most common range ranges from 4 to 10-inch drop/rise. They also support different trailer weights up to 20,000 pounds apart from sizes.

Pintle Hook

The pintle hook truck hitches can be fixed or adjustable and are usually used for heavy-duty applications and by the military. Their trailer side connection is an eyelet, while the tow vehicle side is a hook that closes to create a second eyelet. Such structure forms a strong connection, especially if any of the loops are installed in a manner that allows it to rotate. It makes an excellent connection for off-roading pickup trucks. Such a hitch makes a lot of noise due to a loose connection.

Weight-Distribution Hitches

These conventional bumper-pull connections have more components for the distribution of tow weight to the front axle of the pickup truck. This improves handling and the overall driving of your pickup truck. 

Several such hitches also offer sway control that keeps the trailer in line with your pickup truck.  Sway control comes in handy when overtaking or during windy conditions. When your towing is mainly affected by strong winds, consider such a hitch.

Chain-Style Hitch

The common chain-style hitches have arms, while others do not. These arms have chains attached to the end of the trailer, making it easy to adjust the weight distribution. They are the cheapest and offer little sway control. 


Pickup truck hitches are essential for towing and can also be installed on SUVs. This guide has covered just a few hitches that meet every truck owner’s needs. Before installing a towing hitch, consider the type of trailer you tow more often.

Maintaining Your Truck Interior The Easy Way

Maintaining your truck interior and keeping it showroom clean brings a sense of satisfaction and pride. You can achieve this by washing and waxing your truck to protect the paint. But inside matters more, since it’s where you spend more time.

Your truck’s interior becomes dirty and wears out quickly if you do not pay attention. Therefore, spending some quality time every month cleaning it is essential. This guide has a breakdown of how you can clean and go about maintaining your truck interior depending on the material it is made of.

How to Clean Leather Interior

Leather has become a common interior in most trucks, and this is because it is resistant to stains and last longer. It is one of the best ways to maintaining your truck interior details. If not well cleaned, it will not retain its natural oil, become stiff and eventually wear out.

When cleaning a leather interior, use the vacuum cleaner to flush out debris. Apply pH-neutral leather cleaner to a cloth, then rub it in a circular motion on the leather surfaces.  Wipe it dry using a clean cloth.

Use a soft sponge to apply a thin layer of conditioner on the seats and leather surfaces. Before applying it, apply a small portion on a hidden leather to affirm that it will not react with your seats. Give it two hours to absorb, then buff it with a microfiber cloth.

How To Clean Cloth Interior

Older trucks have a cloth interior, but you can choose a cloth option if you are not a leather fan. All in all, a cloth interior also requires regular cleaning to last long and offer a conducive environment.

Using a vacuum cleaner, you can remove the loose debris on the cloth’s surface. Slightly spray the surface of the seat, then use a stiff brush to remove tough stains. Use a microfiber cloth to wipe all the dirt. Repeat the procedure until all the surfaces become clean.

How To Clean Alcantara Interior

Another way to ensure that you are well maintaining your truck interior is to use Alcantara. Alcantara’s interior looks flashy and is available in some trim levels. Its texture resembles suede, but maintaining it is relatively stressful. Like leather or cloth interior, the Alcantara traps dirt and gets matted down. You can regularly use a soft brush to clean it, but if it has tough stains, consider using Alcantara cleaner, which removes all sorts of dirt. 

After removing the loose dirt using a soft brush, apply the cleaner on a sponge, then use it to rub the interior surface. When satisfied that all dirt has been removed, use a damp cloth to wipe it and give it time to dry. After this procedure, brush the Alcantara to activate the fiber and protect them from getting down. 

How To Clean the Floor

The floor is another part that becomes dirty quickly because shoes trap all sorts of dirt that settle on the floor. Having your floor covered with mats that you can easily remove and clean is essential. Use a vacuum cleaner to clean the floor, and leave all the doors open for air circulation.


If you have time, you can spend it cleaning and maintaining your truck interior. Having a vacuum cleaner and other cleaning agents will greatly benefit you. The above tips will help you maintain your truck’s interior for a longer time. 

4 Important Safety Features To Consider In a Pickup Truck

Accidents are usually fatal and claim lives or leave permanent memories. However, automakers work round the clock to ensure that the pick-up truck they produce has the basic and advanced safety features to protect life in case of an accident. 

Safety belts are the primary safety feature in every truck. It protects life by holding you firmly on the seat in case of an accident. This guide highlights some essential safety features of a pickup truck.


Airbags are an essential safety feature every pickup truck must have. The airbags are usually fitted on the dashboard and the steering wheel. Once the crash detectors have detected a crash, the airbags automatically launch to create a soft surface that helps protect the victims’ lives. 

Since their invention, airbags have saved thousands of lives. They can also harm or kill children or victims who have not put on seatbelts.  Children of 12 years and below should sit on the rear seat, and the child seat should not be fixed on seats facing airbags. 

Modern pickup trucks have several airbags that enhance their safety. 

Antilock Brakes (ABS)

Before the invention of the antilock brakes, wheels locked up in the event of hard baking.  The front tires would slide, making it difficult to control the steering wheel on the slippery surface. ABS prevent wheel lock from occurring in case of hard braking. It thus allows the driver t have full control of the steering wheel while braking.

It is necessary to ensure that this feature is functional in your pickup truck. 

Traction Control

It is electrically controlled to limit the spinning of the wheels during acceleration to gain maximum traction. Traction control comes in handy when driving on ice or wet surfaces. Some traction control is effective only at lower speeds, while others function when at high speeds. 

Traction control and ABS work hand in hand to brake a spinning wheel. Such action directs all the power to the opposite wheel. On the other hand, other systems throttle the engine, which upshifts the transmission to prevent the wheel from spinning.

Safety Belt

Safety belts are a standard feature in all pickup trucks and play a vital role in safeguarding life. Seatbelts have enhanced features that enable them to be effective.

The pre-tensioner retracts seatbelts during a frontal impact. Such action keeps the victim in an appropriate location such that they do not suffer injuries associated with the deployment of airbags.  

The force limiters control the tension from the seatbelt that might cause injuries to the victim. It is their role to playback and limits the force after the action of the pre-tensioner. 


The above are the most critical safety features that should be functional in your pickup truck. They help in controlling accidents and reducing fatalities related to road crush. Modern pickup trucks have advanced safety features such as brake assist, forward-collision warning, automatic emergency braking, pedestrian detection, adaptive cruise control, blind-spot warning, rear cross-traffic alert, automatic high beams, and parking assist systems. These advanced features vary depending on the producer.

Benefits of Using Synthetic Oil in Your Truck

Want to learn more about synthetic oil? The engine requires proper lubrication to function effectively and prevent its parts from premature wear. Engine oil, thus, is an essential ingredient for your truck. Apart from lubrication, oil also cools down the engine. There are various types of oil for your truck’s engine, such as synthetic oil. Upon reading this guide, you will understand what synthetic oil is and its benefits. 

What is Synthetic Oil?

As the name suggests, synthetic engine oil is made from chemical compounds.  Synthetic oil is made by modifying the petroleum components, but the primary material is crude oil, which is highly distilled during the synthetic process. The additives and the synthetic process varies depending on the manufacturer, and this makes various companies produce different qualities of synthetic oil.

Benefits of Using Synthetic Oil in Your Truck

The complex process used in manufacturing synthetic lubricants enables them to achieve precise molecular qualities vital for specific applications. During this complex process, all the impurities in the crude oil are removed, and the pure oil is tailored to meet the specific demands of modern engines.  Here are the benefits of using synthetic engine oil in your truck.

Protects Turbo Charger

Modern trucks are fitted with turbochargers for more power. Turbo is usually delicate and inadequate lubrication can damage it. Synthetic oil can flow very fast to the engine’s critical parts and meet the necessary lubrication standards.  In comparison, conventional oil breaks down very fast, especially in turbo-charged engines. The synthetic oil thus ensures the turbocharger performs at its peak.

Engine Protection

Various parts of a truck engine move at high speed and are intact to one another. The contact between the engine parts subjects them to tear and wear. It is, therefore, necessary to ensure that they are properly lubricated to reduce the friction that results from the contact. 

In extreme conditions, conventional oil breaks down and fails to be effective. Only synthetic oil can withstand extreme conditions and offer maximum engine protection. It is also able to do so for a longer duration. 

Cleans the Engine

Engine oil circulates and reaches every part of your engine. Conventional oil has impurities that form deposits on various parts of the engine, which reduces the engine’s performance with time. Synthetic lubricants have fewer impurities and resist sludge and deposit formation by giving your engine a long life. 

Better Viscosity

The synthetic lubricant has better viscosity at high and low temperatures than conventional oil. The fully synthetic oil flows very fast through the engine, even during winter, and can also resist heat, making your engine function effectively under any weather and temperature. 


Synthetic oil is made from the synthesis process, producing high-quality engine oil with lesser impurities. This oil offers superior performance as it resists extreme environmental conditions and does not form sludge in the engine. It gives your engine a longer lifespan as well as protecting the turbo. As much as this is the best oil for your truck, it is more expensive than conventional oil.

Must Have Pick-up Truck Accessories To Enhance Your Ride

Options are endless when considering styling and making your truck look better, ranging from LED light bars to custom grilles. Truck custom accessories have made it easier and simple to modify your truck. Here are the must-have pick-up truck accessories to enhance your ride.

Pick Up Truck Accessories To Have

Here are some of the most crucial truck accessories that you need to have in place.

Performance Enhancers

Pick-up trucks park much power. For drivers interested in power, there are lots of options to choose from. Such additions also increase fuel efficiency, but this depends on individual needs.

Cold air intake, exhaust systems, engine chips, and programmers are some enhancers you can consider for more power. If you choose the right combination and installation, you will enjoy how your truck will perform.

Emergency Items

Accidents not only result from careless driving, you might be a victim no matter how careful you are on the road. For safety, you must be prepared with truck accessories such as a first-aid kit, flares, jumper cables, a flashlight, and a spare wheel. 

With such items, you will be able to face any situation you find yourself in easily. For example, a jumper cable will help when your battery cannot start the engine, and in low visibility conditions, a flashlight comes in handy. In case of an accident, a first aid kit will help save a life before rushing to the hospital.

The LED Light Bars

LED light bars not only offer adequate lighting at night, but they also enhance the looks of the lighting system of your truck. They have varied brightness levels to suit your personal needs. These lights last longer, are waterproof, and are resistant to extreme temperatures. Consider installing LED light bars on your truck for convenience and enhanced looks.

Coatings and Liners

Truck owners use them to perform various roles, such as hauling manufactured products, farm products, or even for personal use. No matter what your truck does for you, coatings and liners are essential accessories your truck must have. Coatings and liners prevent scratches, dents, and interior finishing from damage.

There are various truck bed liners made of various materials. Consider a liner designed for your truck’s make and year if you want maximum protection. The liners should be easy to clean, durable, and offer maximum protection to the bed of your truck. There are several coating options available in the market. Choose an exterior coating that meets all your protective and financial needs. 

Truck Bed Covers

Pick-up trucks are loved not because of their performance but because of their large cargo bed. The cargo bed varies depending on the size of your pick-up truck. The bed needs to be protected for cargo safety with truck bed covers. They protect your cargo from moisture, dust, and theft, adding beauty to your truck. 

Truck bed covers improve fuel economy due to improved aerodynamics and reduced drag. There are various truck bed covers to choose from, depending on your needs.


Several truck accessories can increase the performance and look of your truck. Knowing different accessories is the first step to choosing the one that fits your truck. Truck accessories vary in price and the roles they perform. A good investment will greatly change your truck’s performance and looks. 

Quickly Learn 5 Symptoms of Bad Brake Booster In Your Truck

The braking mechanism of a truck begins right when you press the brake pedal. A brake booster is a component of the braking system that uses the engine vacuum to aid in stopping your truck. Usually, the brake booster is on the engine compartment in front of the driver. Having a bad brake booster is less common than other braking system parts. If it fails, your truck will not be safe to drive. Being under the hood, buying and fixing is the least expensive. 

Signs of a Bad Brake Booster

A failing or failed brake booster affects how the entire braking system functions. In such a scenario, your truck becomes risky to drive. But how can you know your brake booster is failing? Here are the common signs.

The Brake Pedal Becomes Hard

When any part of the brakes becomes faulty, you will feel it as soon as you press the brake pedal. The brake booster operates in a vacuum, and the extent to which the brake pedals become hard to press varies. Usually, pressing the brake pedals on the first time can feel normal, but it can become harder with subsequent applications. 

Your Truck Takes Time To Stop 

When the brake booster functions appropriately, your truck should stop when you press the brake pedal. Although the braking does not solely depend on the booster, your braking distance can greatly increase. 

Stalling Engine

Engine stalling is another sign that your brake booster is faulty. It is a sign of a massive vacuum leak worth not ignoring. When there is a vacuum leak in the booster, it can draw more boost than usual whenever you press the brake pedal. In such a scenario, the booster will draw a vacuum from other components that make your engine stumble. In such a scenario, the RPM drops, and eventually, your truck will stall.

The Appearance of the Engine Check Light

Modern trucks have an engine control unit, a computer that monitors the entire truck’s functions. The ECU has various sensors attached to every part of your truck. The brake booster has a vacuum sensor. When it is faulty, the sensor sends signals to the ECU that notify you by turning on the engine check light on your dashboard.

A faulty brake booster will cause the engine check light on your dashboard to appear. When such happens, take your truck to a professional to check and fix it. 

Hissing Sound

Hissing sound when braking raises the attention of other road users apart from giving an uncomfortable feeling when driving. The hissing sound indicates that the brake booster is faulty, usually a vacuum leak at the booster. When this happens, you will hear a whistling or hissing sound that worsens when you press the brake pedal. At this time you will know you have a bad brake booster that needs to be checked.


A bad brake booster on your truck can be due to mechanical issues, but just like other parts within the hood, it can become faulty and eventually stop functioning if you ignore the signs it’s giving. When your truck exhibits any of the above signs, consider checking the condition of your brake booster. 

The Different Types of Truck Brakes Worth Knowing

What are the different types of truck brakes you know? Brakes play an essential role in the performance of your truck, and it is, therefore, essential to ensure that your brakes are in perfect working condition. You can do this by regularly checking the brake fluid levels and the braking system’s entire condition whenever you take your truck for routine servicing and maintenance. Doing this will help you catch up with the parts that are wearing out and replace them in time.

There are different types of truck brakes, some work independently, while others work jointly. In this guide, you shall learn about the various brakes used by trucks. 

The Main Types of Truck Brakes

There are four common types of brakes, which vary depending on the structure and how they operate. They only vary in structural design, but they all play a similar role in safeguarding and stopping your truck. Here are the common types of brakes you should be aware of. 

Disc Brakes

Disc brakes are mainly popular in modern vehicles. Such brakes have brake pads, calipers, rotors, and hydraulic fluid that work hand in hand to stop your truck. When you press the brake pedals, the pressure pushes the hydraulic fluid in the system to the calipers, which presses the brake pads against the rotor to stop your truck. 

The disc brake has a simple design, performs better in wet conditions, and has better heat dissipation when braking, giving you full stopping power. 

Drum Brakes

They have a small round drum, which is where the name drum brakes came from. The drum has a set of brake shoes and other components. When you press the brake pedal, the shoes press on the side walls of the drum, and this action stops your truck. Drum brakes are relatively cheap to maintain.

Drum brakes are the least popular because the drum can hold water inside, making it ineffective when braking. Water can also cause rust in the inner components of the drum brakes. They cannot handle heat like disc brakes, significantly interfering with your truck’s stopping power. 

Anti-Lock Brakes

Technically, anti-lock brakes are not a type of brake but a technology incorporated into the braking system that prevents brakes from locking. When you press the brake pedal instantly, chances are high that the wheels will lock and your truck will skid. The ABS sense the speed at which every wheel rotates, and if it senses that a wheel is locked, it sends brake pulses to the wheel, reducing your truck’s speed. Such action aids your truck in gaining traction and prevents it from skidding.

Emergency Brakes

The emergency brakes are also known as the parking brakes. This is one of the most crucial of the different types of truck brakes when the vehicle is parked. It is directly connected to the main brakes of your truck through a cable. Depending on your truck, you can engage it using a hand lever, foot pedal, or even a button. Emergency brake aids in keeping your truck in a single spot. It also comes in handy whenever the main brakes fail.


Your truck has all of the 4 different types of truck brakes. Although some trucks have disc brakes all-round, most have disc and drum brakes. The anti-lock brakes are safety features that prevent your truck from skidding when you abruptly press the brakes. 

Why You Shouldn’t Drive Your Truck With Worn Brakes

It isn’t pleasing when you press the brake pedal to stop at the stoplight then your brakes squeal. Driving on worn-out brake pads can be annoying and damage other parts of the braking system apart from raising everyone’s attention. When you drive your truck with worn-out brakes, here are the things that are likely to happen. 

Your Tires Will Wear Down

Driving a truck with worn-out brakes can wear out your tires very fast. When the brake rotors, pads, or calipers are worn out, you will slam the brake pedal more often for your truck to slow down or stop.

Regular slamming of the brake pedal and faulty brakes facilitate the rate at which the tires wear out. Apart from the increase in the rate of tire wear out, you will also experience uneven tire wear due to unbalanced tires. Taking care of your brakes should be a priority if you want to give your tires a long lifespan. 

Your Truck Will Vibrate When Braking

Your truck will slow down smoothly when your braking system works perfectly. But if the brake pads are worn out, or the rotor is damaged, you will feel vibrations when you press the brake pedal. If your truck shakes or the steering wheel vibrates when you press the brake pedal and stops when you release the brake pedal, is an indication that you should service your braking system. 

Brake Calipers and Rotors Can Be Damaged

The braking system is connected and comprises moving parts, and if a component is faulty or damaged, the damage can easily be transmitted to other parts. For instance, if your brake pads are completely worn out, chances are high of damaging the brake rotors the more you ignore them.  

Brake pads have a metallic layer that, if it is worn out, this metal will rub against the rotors leading to the production of a grinding sound whenever you press the brakes. The metal-to-metal contact leads to the generation of heat that can warp and crack the rotor. Even though the brake rotors last longer than the brake pads, failure to replace your brake pads in time can lead to damage to the rotors. 

To give your brake a long lifespan, consider changing your brake pads before they wear out, check the entire braking, and repair any damages.

Your Brakes will Have a Slow Response Time

As your brakes wear out, their efficiency reduces, making it difficult to stop your truck effectively. Pay attention to response time to determine how much your brakes are worn out. When driving with worn brakes, you must push the brake pedal harder for your truck to stop.

Driving on worn-out brakes can lead to the truck side slipping, pulling towards one side. Side slipping can result from the brake pads not engaging and disengaging the rotor as they should.


You can drive with the worn-out brake pads, but you shouldn’t, especially when they are excessively worn out. Changing the brake pads at the right time and checking the entire braking system keeps the system in perfect working condition, gives you the best driving experience, and improves road safety.

Causes Of Hissing Brake Sound In Your Truck

Hissing is mainly associated with snakes and cats sometimes, but your truck’s brakes can produce this sound. When you start experiencing a hissing brake sound is an indication of a mechanical problem worth not ignoring. Even though you should not ignore it, it is an issue that is easy to fix. A professional mechanic should check the cause of the hissing sound from your brakes, but you can also do it if you are good at DIY mechanics.

Causes of the Hissing Brake Sound

There are significant and minor causes of the hissing brake sound. Faulty brake booster and master cylinder are the common causes, while the missing silencer, damaged vacuum booster, or leaking vacuum hose are the minor causes. Here are the causes of hissing brake sound worth knowing.

Faulty Brake Booster

When your pedal produces, a hissing sound indicates that the brake booster is faulty. The primary role of the brake booster is to multiply the pressure you apply when pressing the brake pedal. When it does its role effectively, the slight pressure you apply multiplies to a significant force to slow down your truck. The brake booster relies on hydraulic fluid to perform this role. 

You will experience these signs when your brake booster is faulty.

  • Stiff brake pedal.
  • The pedal does not return to its original position whenever you press it.
  • Decrease in RPM when you idle or brake.

When your booster is faulty, it indicates several things are wrong which if ignored, you will experience brake failure. 

Faulty Master Cylinder

The master cylinder transmits pressure generated when you press the brake pedal to the braking mechanism on the wheels. It has a reservoir with brake fluid that sends adequate pressure to the brakes and no air within the system. When faulty, you will note these signs.

  • The brake pedal will be spongy and take time to spring back after the release.
  • Leakages beneath your truck.
  • Uneven brake pad wear. 

Leaking Vacuum Hose

For a brake booster to function effectively, it requires pressure. The vacuum hose transfers pressure from the engine to the booster. In case of leakage, you will hear the hissing sound when braking, and replacing it is the solution.

Faulty Vacuum Booster

If your truck has power brakes, the vacuum booster augments the pressure from the brake pedal to the master cylinder. The vacuum booster contains a diaphragm and a canister that maintains a partial vacuum to enhance braking. When faulty, you cannot determine the pressure necessary for braking, which can lead to an accident. 

Damaged Foam Silencer

It is the least dangerous cause of a hissing sound from your brakes. The brake booster has a foam silencer that acts as a soundproof. If it is faulty or missing, you will hear all the activities within the brake booster. 


The hissing brake sound generally results from a broken brake booster or faulty master cylinder, but when the foam is missing, you do not need to worry because your truck will not be at risk. Other causes besides the missing foam silencer can be dangerous, and you should repair them as soon as possible.

6 Symptoms of Bad Brake Pads In Your Truck

Brake pads are very important in every vehicle. It is responsible for the braking; without them, things might not go as planned. What exactly happens when you have bad brake pads? As a truck owner, brakes are lifesavers, enabling you to control your truck and stop when necessary. Consider taking care of them to be practical and functional when driving. 

Symptoms of Bad Brake Pads

The brake pad is part of the braking system that feels the most stress, wears out, and needs a replacement more often. When you have bad brake pads, your truck will show some signs such as those discussed below. 

Squealing Sounds

When your brake pads are worn-out and their useful life is ending, you will hear a squealing sound whenever you press the brake pedal. The sound usually results from an utterly worn-out brake pad. Upon witnessing this sound, consider replacing your brake pads immediately.

Vibration When Braking

When you feel vibrations on the steering wheel or your truck, whenever you press the brake pedals is an indication that your rotors are no longer smooth but groovy. The brake rotor becomes damaged when it touches the metallic part of the worn-out brake pads. In such a scenario, consider checking the condition of your brake pads.

Your Truck Does Not Stop Instantly

When your brake fails to perform effectively is an indication that your brake pads are worn-out. If you press the brake pedal, but your truck is not responding appropriately, consider checking the condition of your brake pads. Ignoring this can lead to avoidable accidents and excessive damage to other brake parts.

Thin Brake Pads

Depending on the type of rims, you can easily spot the brake pads without removing your wheels. The part of the brake pad that comes into contact with the rotor is made of a special material that gradually wears out. As you apply brakes, this part rubs against the rotor and eventually becomes small. When you note that your brake pads are becoming small, consider replacing them.

The appearance of the Brake Check Light

Modern trucks have several sensors that detect how every part of your truck functions. If any malfunctions, the sensors will detect and inform you by turning on the check light on the dashboard. 

When your brake pads become faulty, the brake sensor will detect and send the signal to the ECU that will alert you by turning on the brake check light. If you see this light, the first part of the brake you should check is the brake pads. If they are worn out, replace them.

Grinding Sound

When you press the brake pedal and feel a grinding sound from your truck is a sign that your brake pads need a replacement as soon as possible. Some brake pads have metal wear indicators that are loud to alert you that they are worn out and that you should replace them. 

Never take the grinding sound for granted, as it can lead to further damage that can be costly.


The brake pad is part of the braking system that experiences much pressure from inside and outside. From outside, the calipers press it, and from inside, it presses the rotor. Check and replace your brake pads if you note any of these signs. 

7 Common Symptoms of a Bad Brake Rotor In Your Truck

A brake rotor is a part of the disc brake which the pads press against to stop your truck. The rotor is made of heavy materials, making it more durable than brake pads. However, the rotors also get damaged, usually when driving with worn-out brake pads. Here are the 7 symptoms of a bad brake rotor worth knowing. 

Signs Of a Bad Brake Rotor

Here are some of the things that one can use to determine if they have a bad brake rotor in their truck.

Steering Wheel Vibrations

Whenever you press the brake pedal, the brake pads will press against the rotor, which has a smooth and flat surface, slowing down your truck smoothly. Heat is generated when braking that can warp or bend the brake rotor. If you have a bad brake rotor, your steering wheel will vibrate whenever you press the brake pedal.

Increased Stopping Distance

A longer stopping distance is another vivid sign that your truck has a faulty brake rotor. Truck drivers with experience will feel this by how the braking system performs as they drive. For instance, the truck cannot stop within an acceptable distance.


Wobbling is a sign of spoilt bearing and wheel runout. It usually occurs when driving at a certain speed and can lead to uneven brake pad wear or a bad brake rotor in the truck. Wheel runout should be treated seriously, as it can interfere with your brakes’ performance and the brake rotor’s general functioning. 

Bad Smell

The feeling of a nasty chemical smell results from overheating brakes or the calipers not functioning correctly, leading to brake failure. When the calipers are faulty, they stress the brake rotor, which can warp. When this happens, you will witness smoke from the affected wheel and a foul smell.


During winter, it is normal for rust to form on the surface of the brake rotors due to the accumulation of moisture, especially if your truck spends most of the time outside. But when rust appears on the rotors of a truck that is well-maintained and spends the warm nights in the garage. When rust starts to form on the outer surface of your rotors, consider replacing them as soon as possible.

Blue Marks

When the blue marks appear on the surface of your brake rotors is an indication of the presence of cracks on the surface of the rotor, faulty caliper, and uneven wear on the brake pads. The blue color results from the heat generated and pressure when you apply brakes. Consider inspecting your brake rotors as soon as you note the blue color on their surface.

Deep Grooves/ Score Marks

The presence of deep groves and marks on the brake rotors is a clear indication that your rotor is faulty. A healthy rotor has a smooth surface on the touch and to the eyes. The smooth rotor surface ensures uniform contact with the brake pads, which ensures the pads wear out uniformly. Grooves on the rotor are a sign that you need a new rotor. 


You can easily spot a bad brake rotor depending on the type of rims on your truck. You can inspect your rotors without removing the wheel if it is alloy. If you note any of the above signs, consider inspecting your rotors and replace if necessary.

Best Truck Tires For Towing

When towing, the kind of tires you choose for your truck ensures a safe and comfortable ride. You might experience an unstable ride if your truck has tires unsuitable for towing. It is thus essential to ensure that your truck has the right tires for towing heavy trailers. Upon reading this guide, you will understand some features of the best truck tires for towing.

Why Choosing The Right Truck Tires For Towing Matter

The performance of your truck will improve if your tires offer the necessary traction for towing, no matter how much torque your truck is producing. The trailer’s weight can affect your truck’s brakes, stability, and handling. Thus, it is essential to choose the right tires designed to handle excess weight. 

What To Look For In Truck Tires For Towing

You have to consider several factors when looking for the best tires for towing. Here are some factors worth keeping in mind.


Towing stresses the tires, leading to premature wear or tire bursts. It is, therefore, essential to choose tires that are built for durability and offer the needed traction on any road condition you are towing. Choose a tire that will not quickly wear out but give you the most extended service life.

Driving Conditions and Terrain

You usually drive your truck in conditions such as wet roads, muddy or icy roads, and various hilly, plain, or steep terrains. When choosing the right tires for towing, it is essential to first think of the condition and the nature of the terrain you will encounter. Choose tires that handle such driving terrain as steep inclines and rough roads. 

Weather Condition

Rainy, hot, dry, and cold seasons are some of the weather conditions that trucks get exposed to. Best towing tires offer exemplary performance in rain, snow, and ice. All-season tires or tires with unique features to handle various seasons will be essential. 

Tread Design

Treads are markings on the tires that enhance traction when driving on any surface. The nature of the treads helps in determining when to change tires. Tire treads are essential for your truck to offer the best performance as it offers a good tire grip and handling. For the best towing experience, consider specialty truck tires for towing which usually come with an aggressive tread pattern to enhance traction on wet roads or snow.

Load Capacity

Load capacity is an essential factor worth paying attention to when shopping for the best tires for towing. The tires you choose should be able to handle your truck’s weight, plus the trailer’s additional weight and contents inside it. Choose a tire that is rated to handle what you are towing. 


Towing trucks generally produce much torque, most of which are diesel-powered. It is the torque that produces the power necessary for towing. For effective towing, torque is unnecessary, but the tires where the torque goes directly. Choosing the best truck tires for towing is essential as it will ensure that the torque from the engine is all concentrated on towing the trailer. Putting the above factors into practice will let you choose the right truck tires for towing. 

Should I Get Winter Tires For My Pick-Up Truck?

Pick-up trucks are robust, and you will need them to complete various jobs throughout the year. Your truck will be handy when you need to haul, tow, and perform extreme off-roading. Even when the season is still warm, preparing your truck for winter is essential, especially if you live in areas that experience heavy snowfall. Even if your truck is 2 or 4WD, you must prepare it for winter for a better driving experience. For efficiency, you need winter tires, and here are the reasons. 

Snow Tires Maintains Proper Traction

Spinning out of control is the last thing every truck owner wishes during winter, and using winter tires will help you prevent this from happening. The aggressive design of winter tire treads offers better traction. Poor traction makes it difficult to control your truck, especially on slippery winter roads. 

Winter Vehicle Tires Are Specially Designed For Harsh Winter Temperatures

During winter, temperatures drop below -1°F, which is extremely cold and can affect the performance of your tires. The rubber on winter truck tires makes them perform better in the winter season. 

Various tire manufacturers have unique compounds that they use to produce winter truck tires. Such makes the winter tires maintain optimal consistency as you drive over the snow and ice. The presence of microbubbles on some winter tires helps absorb water on the ice. 

Winter Vehicle Tires Will Save You From Chaining Your Tires

Chaining your tires is cheap and will give you a good driving experience during the winter season. But it would be best to prepare adequately before you drive in winter. On the other hand, installing winter tires give additional confidence when driving through snow and ice. Although you will be driving at lower speeds most of the time, you will be sure of managing and controlling your truck. 

Do Your Truck Need Winter Truck Tires?

Winter vehicle tires will benefit your truck if you consistently drive in temperatures below 45° F. Most trucks become challenging to control during winter, especially if they do not install winter tires, which might lead to avoidable accidents. 

If snow and ice are not a threat where you live, installing winter tires for your truck is still a good idea. Cold temperature hardens the rubber on non-winter truck tires. On the other hand, the winter truck tires remain soft during extreme temperatures, offering the best traction for your truck. 

Winter tires are essential safety measures for any truck driver during the winter season. Such tires can withstand harsh winter conditions. Tire companies have designed winter truck tires for your truck to enhance safety. Even if your truck is a 4WD, winter tires will enhance the way it handles. For this reason, those who deal with severe winter seasons prefer winter tires. 


It is essential to prepare for the winter season adequately. Installing winter tires will enable you to use your truck during winter effectively. The compounds used in winter tire production enable it to survive and offer optimum performance during the winter season. Besides performance, winter tires improve safety when driving through slippery ice and snow.

Crucial Tips On Smaller Tires On Trucks

Apart from facilitating a smooth ride, the entire weight of a truck rests on the tires all the time. A truck requires suitable tires for efficiency and better performance. Although some people prefer to install larger tires for boldness, others prefer smaller tires for aesthetic reasons. Smaller tires are the best choice for a truck. Therefore, it is essential to understand if installing smaller tires for your truck is necessary. 

Pros of Smaller Tires on A Truck

Smaller-size tires experience less sidewall rolling when making a sharp turn, improving traction and handling. The smaller diameter of the wheels allows more torque to the driving surface. 

When driving at the same speed, smaller tires will spin faster than the larger ones and thus will require higher engine RPMs. Since they spin faster, smaller tires offer more towing power than larger ones, and this is because they transfer more torques to the ground. 

Installing smaller size tires will lower your truck and boost its aesthetic, but a smaller tire for aesthetic purposes may interfere with the performance of your truck. 

Con of Smaller Tires on A Truck

Switching from big to small tires may not be the best option if your manufacturer does not recommend it. 

Installing smaller tires may be relatively expensive since you need to lower parts of the suspension system, such as the arms, brackets, springs, stabilizing bars, and shocks. Performing these modifications is expensive and might also alter the computer system of your truck. 

Smaller tires can give a faulty reading on your odometer and speedometer. Anti-lock brakes might malfunction, cause transmission problems, and lead to the appearance of an engine check light. You can also encounter wheel alignment problems and problems with the advanced driver assistance safety systems. 

Smaller tires reduce ground clearance, making it relatively hectic during extensive off-road driving. Your truck can collide with road debris that can damage vital parts under it, such as the oil pan. Low ground clearance also makes it relatively hard to get into parking lots. 

The higher torque from faster rotation and engagement with the pavement makes the small tires age and wear out faster. If your rim size is smaller than the overall wheel diameter, be cautious and ensure the brake rotors and the calipers have adequate clearance that enables the wheels to rotate freely. 

Can I Put Smaller Size Tires On My Truck?

Small tires improve traction during winter seasons and general driving safety. Winter tires might be expensive, especially if the manufacturer recommends size 19 and above. Unfortunately, the prices of winter tires are not directly proportional to their sizes. For example, 16-inch tires might be more expensive than the common-size 17 tires. 

You might end up buying non-winter tires when purchasing smaller winter tires. To avoid this, buy high-quality winter tires and the size your manufacturer recommends. 


Smaller size tires are appealing and have various advantages and disadvantages. Depending on your test and preferences, you can opt for smaller tires. Winter tires are relatively expensive. When buying smaller winter tires, stick to the correct tire size as your manufacturer recommends. 

Can You Run Winter Tires All Year Round On Your Truck?

Truck owners living in areas that experience the winter season are usually in a dilemma if it is possible to continue using winter tires during other seasons. Unfortunately, it is not advisable to use winter tires throughout the year. Doing this will be costly and can interfere with the performance of your truck. 

Tire makers offer various types of tires suitable for every season. When buying tires for your truck, factors such as season, driving style, and performance will determine the type of tire suitable for your truck. Never use winter tires throughout the year for various reasons.

What Are Winter Tires?

Winter tires offer better traction when temperatures go below -1°C. Such tires are made of unique soft rubber, making them flexible and better conform to slippery roads. They also have deeper treads with unique designs, making them ideal for the winter season. 

Why Your Truck Should Not Run On Winter Tires Throughout the Year

The unique design of winter tires allows them to perform better during winter. When the season changes and it becomes warmer, you will no longer need soft and deeper tread tires. These are some reasons why you should remove winter tires after the winter season. 

Winter Tires Wear Out Very Fast on Dry Pavement & Warm Temperature

The soft and flexible rubber of winter tires increases traction. As temperatures increase, the soft rubber and the treads wear out quickly. All-season and summer tires are designed to withstand harsh summer temperatures and offer a long service life.

Reduced Fuel Economy

The soft and sticky compounds of winter tires offer a higher rolling resistance. Rolling resistance is the energy that gets lost when tires are rolling, and the energy loss results from tire deformation. Winter tires wear out faster, and their rolling resistance is 15% higher during warmer seasons, which increases fuel consumption. 

Stopping Might Not Be Instant

Winter tires have more tread blocks in comparison to all-season or summer tires. These tread blocks are softer and flexible. During hot seasons the flexible designs of winter tires increase the stopping distance. 

Whether all-season or winter tires, high temperatures make tire treads flexible and have a greasy feel due to the dissolution of the chemical components. If the temperature goes beyond 30°C, winter tires will start to marble which is dangerous because the rubber balls formed will spin under the wheels. 

Winter Tires Are Effective at Lower Temperature Range

Some truck owners may save much money using winter tires throughout the year. It’s because of an assumption that winter is an extreme season, and a tire that can handle it can handle any season. Winter tires have flexible treads below the freezing mark. In comparison, summer tires with smooth tread blocks to offer a maximum surface area grip, while winter tires have softer compound tread blocks that make them effective in freezing seasons. 


Before swapping your truck tires, consider the thickness of the tire treads. Tire manufacturers recommend a minimum tread depth of 6/32 during winter. You should consider buying new tires if your tread depth is below the minimum. 

Choosing the Best Truck Tires For Overlanding

Off-roading is one of the best experiences every truck owner wishes to have. Overlanding makes permanent memories you will never stop thinking about. For Overlanding to be enjoyable and successful, your truck must be in good condition to tackle every terrain. Tires are integral when It comes down to driving on any terrain. Here you will learn about the best truck tires for Overlanding.

What Is Overlanding? 

Overlanding is an adventure trip to a remote destination whose primary aim is the journey. Remote destinations usually are characterized by poor roads. Therefore, Overlanding entails off-roading, outdoor activities, and camping. For Overlanding to succeed, you must prepare all the essentials, such as modified covered truck beds, pop-up trunks with mattresses, and camping stoves. 

The Best Truck Tires For Overlanding

Want to learn about the best truck tires for overlanding? During overlanding, the driving terrain becomes unpredictable with on and off-roading. For this reason, you must prepare your truck and have all the Overlanding equipment on board. Having the right tires to reach your next destination is one of the factors contributing to the reliability of your truck. When choosing the best overlanding tires, you can’t use the ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach as the best overlanding tires solely depend on where you plan to take your overlanding adventure.

People believe bigger tires are the best for Overlanding, which is partially true. Having taller tires for your truck increases ground clearance which is essential for extreme off-roading. But big tires are not the best for your truck due to the alterations made to your suspension system. 

All you need is the right balance between the extra ground clearance and the performance of your truck. It is essential to consider the manufacturer-recommended tire size for your truck. Consider the following when choosing the best truck tires for overlanding. 


Versatile tires are the best for Overlanding since you will be driving on various terrains. All-terrain tires are suitable for unpaved roads, bumpy and up-country terrains. If most of your driving is on unpaved or wet roads and you want to keep tires the same when you reach pavements, consider installing all-terrain tires. Such tires will give you the best performance during light overlanding and under harsh conditions like loose gravel and snowy streets. 

Heavy Duty Tires

Heavy-duty tires are among the best truck tires for overlanding on rough terrains, steep elevations, and deep mud pits. Such tires have deep and aggressive tread patterns to offer grip as you drive in the wilderness. Heavy-duty tires will offer maximum traction giving you confidence during extreme overlanding. 

Maximum traction tires are more sturdy than all-terrain tires, and their side walls are steel reinforced, increasing their durability. You will not experience regular tire punctures, chips, and tears with such tires. The lugs on the upper side wall offer a better grip to get out of extreme or tight spots. 


During Overlanding, you will be adventuring and mostly driving. Therefore, getting the best truck tires for overlanding is crucial. However, these tires are not suitable for some uses. Since they offer maximum traction, such tires are loud and produce unpleasant sounds when driving on the pavement. 

Replacing The Clutch Plate Of Your Truck

In manual transmission trucks, replacing the clutch plate is vital in ensuring connecting the gearbox to the engine and providing the truck with power. The clutch plate is one of the parts of the transmission system that face wear and tear. But this depends on an individual driving style and the environment in which your truck is regularly driven.

If you drive more often in a city traffic jam, your clutch plate will likely wear out faster than those who mainly do highway driving. And the clutch plate of a truck driven on hilly terrains also wears out rapidly. Here is how to go about replacing the clutch plate of your truck.

Replacing The Clutch Plate Of Your Truck

You might be in a dilemma and wondering how to know if your clutch plate is worn out. Generally, a clutch plate gives prior warnings before wearing it out. Such warnings will aid you in determining when to replace your clutch plate, and here are some of the warnings you should pay attention to and know whether it is time to consider replacing the clutch plate.

Soft Clutch

When you press the clutch pedal and note that it is soft is a sign that your clutch plate is worn out. When it is very soft and spongy, it indicates that the wear and tear are intense. Consider releasing the clutch pedal as you engage gears when in such a situation. Visit the nearest auto repair shop for clutch plate replacement.


Shuddering is another sign worth not ignoring once you note it on your clutch pedal. When it shudders at low speed, the clutch plate might have impurities like oil, and also, the clutch plate might be worn out consider replacing it as soon as possible. Shuddering can also result from loose bell housing bolts, broken engine mounts, and spoilt clutch linkage.


The clutch has a life span, and when it comes to an end, it will start slipping. Slipping is the inability of the clutch to engage or disengage whenever your press the press clutch pedal. The engine RPM increases even if your truck is not moving faster. Slippage is obvious when overtaking, going up the hill, or hauling heavy objects. When your clutch slips, it will overheat, which will cause additional wear and strain.


Whenever you hear a grinding sound when you press the clutch pedal is an indication that your clutch plate is worn out. The noise results from defective bearings. Replacing bearings is easy and not costly, but if you ignore them, you can end up with expensive repairs that result in additional damages.

Faulty Cylinders

Faulty cylinders, bearings, and a fork can make your clutch plate fail. For your clutch to function well, all its components must work properly. In the case of a direct linkage clutch, when some parts become faulty, you only need to change the cable linkage.


If you are that person who mainly drives during rush hour and you usually spend more time on the clutch and brake pedals, then the lifespan of your clutch plate is limited. Spending more time on the clutch pedal is a threat to the engine and the general lifespan of your truck clutch plate. Your clutch can serve you for more than 70,000 km if well maintained. Shared above is all about replacing the clutch plate in your truck.

Two Types of Air Conditioning Systems In Your truck

Air conditioning systems is an essential component of every truck. It comes in handy when the cabin temperature is high and cools it down. Although it is used more often, most people do not understand how it functions and the types of air conditioning systems. After reading this guide, you can understand various air conditioning systems.

Most trucks use two main types of air conditioning systems. One uses the expansion valve system to reduce the refrigerant pressure, and the other uses the orifice tube. 

Expansion Valve System

The aftermarket AC systems use the efficient expansion valve system when it comes to regulating the refrigerant to the evaporator. It is situated at the firewall between the inlet, outlet tubes, liquid, and section lines.

Its disadvantage is that it might get clogged with debris, and its small moving parts may stick together or fail to function due to corrosion. 

Orifice Tube System

The orifice tube system is common in General Motors and Ford models. The orifice is at the inlet tube of the evaporator or sometimes the liquid line. The orifice tubes are about 3 inches long. It has small brass tubes with plastic surrounding it and a filter covering each end.

However, the orifice tube system has disadvantages, such as clogging from debris accumulation. The clogging is avoided by installing a larger pre-filter before the orifice tube. The high repair cost is another downside of the orifice tube system. 

How the Air Conditioning Systems Works

The air conditioning systems work through the transmission of AC gas between the liquid and gaseous states. The state transition is vital and aids in heat and humidity absorption, and provides cool and dry air in your cabin. Here is how each type of air conditioning system works.

There are four key stages for the expansion valve system to cool down your cabin. This is what happens in every stage.

Stage 1

The evaporator supplies the compressor with low-pressure refrigerant. Compression takes place, which results in a high-pressure refrigerant vapor that is carried to the condenser.

Stage 2

The condenser receives the hot, high-pressure refrigerant vapor. The heat exchanger has special tubes where the high-pressure refrigerant is forced down. The refrigerant vapor’s role is to absorb the heat within your cabin. The bottom of the refrigerant has a relatively lower temperature than the top. The lower temperature condenses the vapor released from the bottom of the condenser as a high-pressure liquid refrigerant.

Stage 3

A fan blows on the fins to cool the refrigerant vapor, which cools your truck even if it is not running.

Stage 4

The process occurs in the expansion valve where the high-pressure liquid refrigerant moves to the dryer as some go to the evaporator. The expansion valves moderate the temperature of the refrigerant vapor that leaves the evaporator. It also controls the quantity of liquid refrigerant moving into the evaporator. 


The air conditioning system plays the role of cooling the temperature within your cabin. There are two main types of AC. This guide has elaborated on how these two AC system work. Knowing the type and model of your truck will aid you in knowing the type of AC in your truck. 

5 On-Demand Car Service For Your Vehicle

Vehicles are exposed to regular wear and tear as it serves you. In this guide, we will look at on-demand car services you must do for your truck. The rate of wear and tear varies depending on how often and the way you use your vehicle. However, you can reduce the rate of wear and tear by performing regular service for your car. Proper maintenance and regular service are essential if you want your car to have a long life span and serve you without unexpected breakdowns. Every car owner will look for ease and convenience when it comes to car servicing and maintenance. For this reason, this guide focuses on the top 5 on-demand car services for your vehicle.

5 On-Demand Car Service For Your Vehicle

Here are some on-demand car services that every car owner should consider having.

Oil Change

The fluids lubricate or facilitate the functioning of every vehicle’s system components. The essential fluid is the engine oil that lubricates all the engine’s moving parts. Apart from lubrication, the engine oil acts as a coolant to some extent. As the engine oil lubricates the engine parts, it wears out and becomes less effective. If the lubrication is not done, the engine’s moving parts will wear out due to friction. It is essential to change the engine oil after covering a specific mileage. When changing engine oil, you must also change the oil filter.

Tire Services

Tires are the parts of the car that is exposed to a lot of stress. The entire weight of the vehicle rests on them, and also it is where the engine’s power is directed for the vehicle to move. The stress exposes the tire to tear and wear and other damages. When tires are worn out, you must buy and fix new ones. Apart from tire replacement, other services related to the tire include the wheel alignment, puncture, and rim repair

Car Wash

The rate of pollution in cities is increasing day and night. This is evident in the vehicle bodies. During and after a ride, you will note that your vehicle’s windows, windshield, and exterior are full of dust, moisture, and other debris. Such, if left, can accelerate the corrosion rate on your vehicle’s body. Under the car, dirt accumulates as mud, and in your vehicle, food crumbs may accumulate. Your car, therefore, needs a regular wash to do away with the dirt that may damage its body and other components.

AC Maintenance

The AC comes in handy during summer. It is essential to check if it is functioning well before the summer season. During servicing, check the refrigerant gas and if the air filters are clogged. 

Air Filter

The air facilitates combustion in the engine by mixing with the fuel. Air carries debris that should not be let into the combustion chamber. The air filter plays the role of trapping debris and letting pure air get into the engine. If the air filter is clogged, your vehicle’s performance will reduce. It is, therefore, essential to service the air filter by blowing it or fixing a new one.


Owning a car is demanding at the same time, the best experience everyone enjoys. As a car owner, you must be aware of your vehicle’s on-demand car service. This guide has elaborated on some on-demand car services to consider. It is thus in order not to miss any of the above services. 

Car Wax and Polish – Which Is Better For Your Truck?

Car wax and polish come in handy. Every truck owner is concerned with the outer beauty of their trucks. For this, they will strive to maintain the factory looks even after using their trucks for decades. Keep reading to know which is better for you.

What is Car Wax?

Wax is a protective coating that is a product of natural ingredients like carnauba wax and polymers. Wax is usually applied on the paint’s surface and offers a protective layer against the harsh environment. The environment has hazards such as UV rays, dirt, dust, and other dangers that can damage your paint if it is directly exposed.

Applying wax on the body of your truck will create a hydrophobic effect that will protect your truck’s paint for a long and make it easy to clean. Your truck will also have an attractive shiny look that will enhance its overall appearance. 

What is Car Polish?

A car polish is a product of abrasive materials like micro-abrasives or aluminum oxide particles that polish and improves the looks of your truck’s paint. Car polish removes minor scratches, abrasion marks, and other dents on your truck’s paint. Car polish enhances the looks of your truck’s paint by restoring its original color. Car polish removes oxidation as well as restores the clarity of your headlights.

Difference Between Car Waxing and Car Polish

Car waxing and polishing are necessary as they will maintain your truck’s neat and new appearance for a longer time. The versatility, utility, and beauty of car waxing and polishing depend on their ability to work together or separately, but all these depend on your test and preferences.

You can use car polish to do away with imperfections on the body of your truck before waxing it. This statement means that both polishing and waxing can work together when it comes to the maintenance of your truck. 

Car Waxing and Polishing sound similar, but they are entirely different. Here are the differences between the two.

Car wax is protective by acting as a barrier between your truck’s paint and the surrounding. On the hand, car polish improves the appearance of the paint job. It does this by doing away with minor imperfections.

Car wax comprises natural or synthetic ingredients to repel water, dirt, and other contaminants from destroying your paint. Car polish is made from abrasive particles or aluminum oxide to create a smoother surface.

When you apply car wax, your truck will have a shiny finish which wills enhance the appearance of your truck. Car polish restores the original color making your truck look brighter and newer.

Car wax offers a protective layer that can last for months. While car polish should be used sparingly, it will damage your truck’s paint job if used in excess.


Car wax and polish are both essential when it comes to the protection of the original paint of your truck. Both sound similar, still, they differ based on the raw materials used in their production and primary functions. Car wax and polishing can go hand in hand, depending on an individual’s test and preferences. 

Why Is Water Coming Out Of Truck Exhaust?

Ever wondered why there is water coming out of truck exhaust? The internal combustion engine burns the mixture of fuel and air in the combustion chamber. The end product of the combustion is exhaust gases that are expelled through the exhaust manifold to the environment through the exhaust pipe. 

The exhaust pipe directs the exhaust gases from the exhaust manifold to the environment. Sometimes, you will note that water comes out through the exhaust pipe instead of gases. How is this possible, yet no end product of combustion is not in a liquid state? When such happens, never worry since there is a reason why. This guide explores the reasons why there is water coming out of truck exhaust instead of exhaust gases.

Why Is Water Coming Out Of Truck Exhaust?

Here are some of the probable reasons why there is water coming out of truck exhaust instead of exhaust gases.

Smoke and Water Emissions

Emitting smoke and water from your tailpipe is a major warning that your pistons or the rings could be faulty. If it is server, you will note a burning sweet smell. When such happens, take your truck for a mechanical check-up to determine and fix the cause. 


If your truck has been in a colder climate for a while, it is essential to warm it up before starting to drive. During this process, a lot of heat accumulates in your truck that is expelled through the exhaust pipe. As the heat is expelled, condensation will occur on the walls of the exhaust system, resulting in water expulsion from the exhaust pipe. When you experience such, let your engine run for a few minutes before you start driving.

Engine Combustion

A mixture of water and carbon dioxide forms whenever your engine starts. As the engine cools down, the exhaust gases leave the combustion chamber, and water and carbon dioxide condensation are likely to be noticed. In such a situation, water will be expelled through the exhaust pipe. Such water is normal, and you should not worry when it happens to your truck.

The by-product of the Catalytic Converter

The catalytic Converter is a part of the exhaust system whose primary role is to neutralize the harmful by-products of fuel combustion. When air and fuel burn, it produces harmful gases that are dangerous to the environment. Catalytic Converter, therefore, neutralizes these harmful by-products into environmentally friendly products. Water and gas will form when converting toxic wastes into non-toxic wastes. This water will drip from the exhaust system as your catalytic Converter performs its role. The expulsion of such water should not worry you since it indicates that your catalytic Converter is functioning properly. 


Water coming out of truck exhaust pipe is mostly due to water vapor effects. The tailpipe of your truck, engine and exhaust system will be cold whenever it is cold. If you start your engine in a cold environment, the heat from the engine will cause condensation to form in all the places with water vapor. In such a situation, the tailpipe of your truck will produce water. It is essential to start your truck and let the engine run before driving. Sometimes, water from the tailpipe might indicate serious issues, such as a faulty head gasket, piston, and rings. 

Truck Repairs You Should Never Do Yourself

Do you know that there are truck repairs you should never do yourself? A truck has several complex parts, in new generations, most of these parts are controlled digitally. As a driver, it is essential to check some parts to be sure they are working before driving your truck. Thus, every truck owner must know basic truck repair and maintenance, such as changing tires and checking the liquid levels. 

However, it is extremely risky to perform some truck repairs alone, even though the owner’s manual has guidelines on performing everything. After reading this guide, you will understand the vital truck repairs you should never do yourself.

Truck Repairs You Should Never Do Yourself

Here are some complicated truck repairs you should never do yourself.

Adjusting the Timing Belt

The timing belt does the role of synchronizing the movement of the crankshafts and camshafts. It regulates oil intake, the opening and closing of valves to sync with the piston movement. It is not easy to change the timing belt since you will have to dismantle the entire engine, which reassembling is not an easy task. When adjusting the timing belt, the slightest mistake can harm your engine. It is, therefore, necessary to let only the technicians perform the role.

The Suspension System

A standard suspension usually has various control arms, bushings, coil springs, and shock absorbers. Its primary role is to absorb the road vibrations and offers a smooth ride as you drive through various terrains. Every wheel of your truck is attached to the suspension system. Never change any part of your truck’s suspension system, such as the coil spring and shock absorber, because you might not fix them properly, which can lead to an accident. When repairing the suspension system, you must raise your truck, which can lead to accidents if not well done. 

Body Painting

Sometimes when your truck has scratches or a layer of paint has peeled off, you might be tempted to repair it using the available kits in the market. Doing this might not help in restoring the original look of your truck. Applying paint is expensive and takes time and patience. If you decide to do it, you might spoil the exterior of your truck. Consider taking your truck to the mechanics with the right spraying guns to do the job for you.

The Air Conditioning System

All trucks have an air conditioning system that has various parts. The working principle of the AC is complex since it has mechanical and electrical parts. However, several do-it-yourself videos and booklets will guide you on how to repair the AC. Do not do it alone, as this can damage the compressors and cause gas leakage. 

Installing the Audio System

Installing the audio system in your truck is not as easy as plugging your home theater into the power system. It involves handling and connecting complicated electrical wiring that needs only an experienced auto electrician. When poorly done can lead to short-circuiting, which is expensive to repair.  


The truck has various mechanical and electrical systems, some are complex, and others are simple. As a truck owner, only perform truck repairs in areas you have experience. If you do not know how to repair the above parts, consult a professional mechanic for assistance. Shared in this guide are some of the truck repairs you should never do yourself. 

Truck Makes Tickling Noise When Accelerating – How To Fix

The best thing about driving a truck is hearing the roaring sound of the engine. But sometimes, the roaring sound can be accompanied by tickling noise, which should not be the case. The tickling sound whenever you press the gas pedal indicates that one of the components is faulty. This guide will cover all the potential problems, and how to fix them.

Law Oil Pressure

Law oil pressure harms the engine as the metallic parts hit and rub against each other. The tickling sound results from the dry engine parts rubbing and hitting against each other. In such a situation, you will hear the tickling sound when your truck is stationary but the engine is running. However, the sound intensifies when you press the gas pedal. 

How to Fix Tickling Noise When Accelerating

First, you need to refill the oil reservoir, but if you did this recently, check for leaks, as this can deplete oil from your truck quickly.

Always change the oil filter anytime you change your oil. Low oil pressure results from a clogged oil filter, leading to an inadequate oil supply to the engine. 

Exhaust Leaks

The exhaust system does the role of expelling the combustion by-products from the combustion chamber in an organized and controlled manner. 

Exhaust leaks can happen anywhere within the exhaust system. But the leak within the exhaust manifold will manifest as a tickling sound within the engine compartment.

How To Fix Tickling Noise Caused By Exhaust

Exhaust manifold leaks sound serious, but fixing them is a simple procedure. Your mechanic can patch the leak. If the exhaust manifold is faulty, you will replace it at a cost though not expensive.

Faulty Valvetrain

The engine has various valves. All these valves are in two categories that are intake and exhaust valves. The valvetrain does the role of controlling the intake and exhaust valves. If the valvetrain or the valves are faulty, you will hear a tickling sound when you press the gas pedal. When this happens, your engine will misfire, reducing performance. 

How To Fix

It is easy to adjust the valvetrain. If you have the necessary tools, you can work on it as a DIY project. But you can consult your mechanic to do it on your behalf, which will cost $80 to $150.

Faulty Spark Plugs

The spark plugs seal every cylinder from the top. If not well fitted or cracked, the exhaust gases will bypass the seal, resulting in the tickling noise. Sometimes, the sparkplugs can damage the cylinder head threads, and you must replace them. 

How To Fix Tickling Noise From Faulty Spark Plugs

If your spark plugs are faulty, consider replacing them, but if they are loosely fitted, consider tightening them.

If the spark plug has damaged the cylinder head, consider replacing or repairing it, which is expensive.


Several issues cause a tickling noise whenever you press the gas pedal. It is essential to discover the possible cause of the tickling sound as it poses a greater risk to your engine. A damaged engine right from the cylinder head is expensive to fix. The above are the possible causes of tickling sounds and how to fix each. 

How To Bleed Brake Fluid Using A Pneumatic Vacuum Pump

How often do you bleed brake fluid and how do you do it? Air is essential for power production in the engine, but it is equally harmful when it gets into other parts of your truck. The engine requires air to burn the fuel in the combustion chamber effectively. On the other hand, air can be harmful when it gets into the braking system. When there is air in the braking system, your brake pedals will feel squishy, and the brakes will not be able to work. Thus, it is essential to remove any air molecule that may exist in the braking system through bleeding.

Initially, the process to bleed brake fluid was hectic as you needed someone to pump the pedal. But you can now perform this procedure without involving a second party. All you need is a vacuum pump with hand-operated triggers or connectors that you attach to the air compressor, making the bleeding process easy. 

Process TO Bleed Brake Fluid Using a Pneumatic Vacuum Pump

You need a floor jack, jack stands, vacuum brake bleeder, air compressor, line wrench, and wrench set to begin the process to bleed brake fluid. After having all the necessary tools, follow these steps.

Lift Your Truck And Remove the Wheels

Before lifting your truck, ensure it is on a level surface. Lift the truck using a floor jack and remove the tire. You can perform this procedure on one corner after the other until all the wheels are removed.

Attach All the Parts of the Vacuum Cleaner

Ensure that all the hoses are attached to the vacuum pump and that the pump itself is attached to the air compressor hose. At this point, consider turning on the air compressor. Identify where the bleeder port is. Usually, it is at the rear side of the caliper, and remove the dust cap. 

Attach the Vacuum Hose to the Bleeder Port

When doing this, consider starting with the wheel away from the master cylinder. The master cylinder is usually in front of the driver’s side. This means you should start working on the rear wheels. 

Attach the hose to the bleeder port and ensure the catch canister is tightly screwed so that no air can access the system. 

Drain all the Fluid from the Reservoir and Replace It

Open the hood of your truck and locate the brake reservoir, usually within the engine bay. Open the lead of the reservoir and drain the contaminated fluid. In this step, you can use tools such as a handheld turkey baster and fluid extractor. Refill the reservoir with new fluid and keep the cap on top of the reservoir. Do not tighten it to allow airflow.

Flush the Brakes

Loosen the bleeder screw a quarter turn using a wrench or socket. The screw is at the brake caliper. Turn the attached vacuum on the bleeder valve to suck out all the fluid.

Close the Bleeder Valve

If the fluid looks okay, remove the hose and tighten the bleeder valve using your wrench. Reattach the cap and fit the wheels. This is how to bleed brake fluid with ease.


When looking to bleed brake fluid using a pneumatic vacuum pump, check the brake fluid reservoir as the fluid level will go down and consider topping it up. Never allow the levels of the fluid to go down as this can let air into the system.