What Is a Quick-Release Steering? How Safe is It?

You are missing the point if you haven’t heard about the quick-release steering, a fun-after part that looks incredible. Such steering can be convenient, but is it safe? After reading this guide, you can tell whether the quick-release steering is worth it in terms of safety.

What Is a Quick-Release Steering Wheel?

There are several fancy aftermarket products that you can install in your truck. The quick-release steering is one of these aftermarket parts. But what is this kind of steering? This kind of steering wheel is not permanently attached to the steering column. Instead, such a steering wheel is attached to a hidden nut, pins, push or pull rings, and cams. Such kind of steering wheel is common in racing cars.

The quick-release steering wheels are used in racing cars for emergencies because they can be easily detached in case of anything to enable the car driver to escape.

Most regular drivers have started to love the quick-release steering wheels. They are considering an upgrade to this aftermarket product. It is, therefore, necessary to know whether such steering wheels are safe for your truck.

Are the Quick Release Steering Safe?

When deciding to install quick-release steering, you will be removing the airbag which is in the OEM wheel. The removal of the airbag makes the quick-release steering unsafe. In case of any accident, the chances of banging your head into the steering wheel are high since there are no airbags to keep your head safe.

Most people that drive with a quick-release steering dispute this claim by saying that they have been in an accident, but their heads have never touched the steering wheel. You will realize that such drivers sit far from their steering wheels and wear seatbelts when driving. 

There is a high chance that the steering might come out when driving. Such can happen when the parts of a quick-release steering start to become faulty. To avoid such, consider buying a strong, high-quality, reliable wheel and hire a professional mechanic to install it.

If something goes wrong with the quick-release steering wheel, you must prepare to use a lot of cash to repair it. Such a wheel is heavy, and as it serves you, it will become loose. If such a thing happens, you will spend a lot fixing it has a lot of interconnected parts.

Any truck will need a steering wheel to drive, and without it, no thief can manage to steal your truck unless they have the time to tow it. A quick-release steering wheel is detachable, an added security feature for your truck. Remember to safely keep the pin whenever you detach the wheel because reattaching the wheel might not be possible without the pin.


A quick-release steering wheel is an aftermarket wheel that is gaining popularity. Even though it fascinates, such a wheel might not be safe for daily driving. First, it does not have an airbag, a safety feature in every modern truck. Before installing such a wheel in your truck, consider the traffic laws of the states you are living. Some states do not allow such a wheel to be installed in a regular drive car.