Prerequisites Before Importing Japanese Mini Trucks

Japanese mini trucks are popular and many people opt for them for many reasons. They are reliable, high performing vehicles that offer excellent efficiency. Some people have compared them to the standard pick up trucks and find them to be much better in terms of fuel consumption, efficiency and closely matched in terms of dependability. Truth be told, you cannot expect too much from such a lightweight vehicle but by market standards, it does an excellent job in its class. One of the best ways to get a mini truck is by importing it from Japan, where they are made. In this guide, we will go through some of the prerequisites before importing Japanese mini trucks.

This guide should help you understand the steps on the importation process and what are some of the things involved.

Before Importing Japanese Mini Trucks

Here are steps and things to consider when you are importing Japanese mini trucks.

Ensure You Understand Requirements

IT is always good to know the legality and use of kei mini trucks in your state. Some states have some restrictions on its usage and you better be aware before you go buying a mini truck. So, it is advisable that you check with the legal authorities on the kind of vehicles that are allowed. Without going through this process could result in losses since you may have to dispose the vehicle or otherwise never use it.


Since the law only allows the use of second hand Japanese mini truck, there is always room to negotiate for a better deal. This is the same as any other used vehicle which you can find in your local dealership. You can save a lot of money that will help you to later take care of other costs that you may incur in the importation process. The good thing about this is that you can negotiate with the seller over the internet using applications such as Skype. It is an approach that is used commonly when importing vehicles.

Beware of Cons

Cons are everywhere in every industry, and the automaker industry hasn’t been spared either. You need to make sure that you are working with the right seller. Or else could end up losing your money. Another common con game in the auto industry is where the vehicle is switched (bait and switch). Make sure that the address that you have been given actually exists and that the dealer is legit and has been around for long. One of the best ways to do this is to check out online reviews that are verifiable. This way yo will be doing yourself a very big favor.

Final Word

There is no doubt that the kei trucks are amazing vehicles. They have stood the test of time and this is why they are loved. Shared above are some of the prerequisites one needs to know before importing Japanese mini trucks.

When you have made up your mind and want a good Japanese mini truck to buy, then check out some of them that we have in our listing page.

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