Kei Trucks or Full-sized trucks – which is better?

Kei Trucks or Full-sized trucks – which one is better? In terms of cost, the Kei Truck is far more economical. A Full-sized truck is more expensive. Kei vehicles are typically no more than 10k, while Full-Sized Trucks can be up to 100k. But the price point aside, is there a reason to purchase a Kei over a Full-sized truck or vice versa? The answer is yes. There are very distinct differences between the two. Weighing on the options is critical in determining the right choice for you. In this article, we will explore some of the key differences to help you decide which is better Kei Trucks or Full-sized trucks.

Kei Trucks or Full-sized trucks which is the better choice? Here are the two side by side.

Size Considerations

With whether Kei Trucks or Full-Sized trucks are better, the first consideration needs to be the size. Obviously, there is a difference in the length of the vehicles. But what is the advantage of having a smaller truck? First, the Kei Truck does not crowd the road, making for easier and safer driving. Consider the width of the modern truck. Most are close to, if not pressing, upon the width of a single lane. Navigation is more strenuous upon the driver.

By having a narrower vehicle, you increase the access points available to you. Primarily, alleyways and narrow passages are made drivable when operating a Kei Truck. The full-sized truck does not allow for this option. Combined with the Kei Truck’s ability to navigate inclines as steep as 20ᵒ sometimes, it is the perfect option for those seeking a small reliable automobile for deliveries and small excursions.

Kei Trucks or Full-size trucks seating?

Unless you are purchasing a full-sized truck with an extended cabin, the number of passengers you can carry is the same as that found in the Kei Truck. The difference is in the leg room and in the cabin’s height. Most of the Full-sized trucks allow for extended leg room and a high top cabin. The Kei Truck tends to have a bit less space but allows enough room for larger profile passengers to ride with ease. Both the full-sized and the Kei sized truck have high top cabins available, depending upon the model and brand chosen. In both instances, you also have layback capabilities on the seats, allowing 20ᵒ to 40ᵒ in some cases.

It should be noted that in Kei Trucks the seating tends to be elevated. This is especially true in Kei trucks where the engine is mounted under the seating. To accommodate for the higher seats, high top cabins are often coupled with them. Full-sized trucks may have elevated seating, but this is usually only when there are under seat storage options purchased.

Kei Trucks or Full-sized trucks which is easier to repair. Kei trucks. Here is an engine of one.

Engine life span and repair

Engine life is an extremely important factor when considering if Kei Trucks or Full-size trucks are better. While there are differences depending upon what type of truck you wish to purchase, the average lifespan of a full-sized truck is between 200,000 to 250,000 miles if the vehicle is kept in pristine condition. Kei trucks offer a bit more longevity on the motor with averages of 200k to 300k miles if maintained properly.

Where you will find the biggest difference is in the engine maintenance and repair. Kei Trucks have small motors. These can be in the vehicle’s rear, under the seats, or at the front. Regardless of the location, repairs on the motor are simple. As the engines are 660cc and similar, the basic mechanic can work on them if needed. Full-sized motors are a completely different animal when it comes to maintenance and repair. With modern electronics, sensors, as well as the supporting elements of the motor, repair is difficult if not impossible for the owner. A licensed mechanic is often needed for even the simplest of repairs and maintenance.

Various use of the trucks

Either Kei Trucks or Full-size trucks can be used off-road. The Kei truck is great for farming and recreational uses. For the farming aspect, the bed can be fitted with dump beds, scissor bed, or remain as a flat bed. Much like the full-size truck, the bed options will vary depending upon the brand and the model you desire. However, unlike the Full-sized truck, the Kei Truck has fold down sides all around, making loading and unloading easier.

While you can use a full-sized truck for recreational purposes, the gas and the overall size of the truck make it a bit unrealistic economically to do so. Kei trucks are eco friendly in their gas consumption and size. As most Kei vehicles can be registered as being off-road recreational, the overall functionality of the vehicle is more oriented to the off-road recreational use than it is to on road everyday use. Not that the Kei truck cannot be used as a work truck.

Like with the farming, when equipped with the proper bed, the Kei truck can be used for construction, delivery, and several other uses. Full-size trucks also have this capability, especially in options where there is a workstation on the bed or internet connectivity within. The fundamental difference, as mentioned earlier in this article, is the access points.

Kei Trucks or Full-sized trucks – which is better?

If you are seeking a lower cost vehicle which has the durability to last for hundreds of thousands of miles, then the Kei Truck may be the best option for you. Larger vehicles may be the best option for those who wish to have a higher weight load on the bed and intend to use the vehicle for on road everyday use. For agricultural purposes, the Kei truck may be the best option as you can navigate the terrain easily, access points inaccessible to full-sized trucks, and can load and unload easily. They also make great mini-construction trucks.

When purchasing a Kei truck, check with your local taxation and registration office to see what stipulations may be in place. If you plan to import a Kei less than 25 years old, you will need to know the importation regulations for your particular Kei.