Catalytic Converters For Truck – Is It Worth It?

The increase in global warming is compelling various motor industries to check on the nature of the emissions from their vehicles. Air is a compound that gets in the cylinders through the inlet valve. In the cylinder, only oxygen gets burnt, and other air components get out of the cylinder through the outlet valves. The unburnt air and other exhaust substances are harmful if exposed to the environment. Catalytic converters can help minimize emissions.

What is a Catalytic Converter?

The catalytic converter is a metallic box between the muffler and your truck’s engine, and it is one of the parts of the exhaust system. The purpose of the catalytic converter is to neutralize the harmful gases from the engine before exposing them to the environment as Carbon (iv) oxide and water through the exhaust pipe. The catalytic converter has catalysts that are in the honeycomb. The catalysts break down the molecular structure of dangerous gases from the engine, cleaning them up.

Is Catalytic Converter Worth it for a truck?

The primary function of a catalytic converter is to neutralize the harmful gases from the engine, such as carbon monoxide and nitric oxides, into Carbon (iv) Oxide and water. 

The catalytic converter has catalysts composed of metals like platinum, palladium, and rhodium. Such metals are exposed to high temperatures to catalyze the chemical reactions which neutralize the harmful gases.

The catalysts are in the honeycomb structure, which increases the surface area. When the exhaust gases come in contact with the honeycomb, chemical reactions reduce the level of harm in these gases. 

The catalytic converter used in every truck varies depending on the truck’s exhaust pipes. High-end trucks with two exhaust pipes have two catalytic converters to reduce the high level of harmful emissions. But most trucks use a single catalytic converter. 

How Mechanics Spot Faulty Catalytic Converters in Trucks

The components of a catalytic converter have a lifespan of 10 years. Many truck owners do not need to maintain them regularly, which might give your truck a lifetime service.

A catalytic converter might malfunction before it gives you full service. Insufficient air and fuel mixture, faulty spark plugs and oxygen sensors, and poor engine timing are reasons the catalytic converter might fail.

In case of any of the above circumstances, the catalytic converter unit might overheat. If this happens, the honeycomb will melt, making the entire catalytic converter ineffective.

The catalytic converter can clog partially due to anti-freeze and oil leakage resulting from failed gaskets, lousy valve seals, and old pistons. 

Signs of a Faulty Converter

If the catalytic converter becomes faulty, they rarely show up signs. Let’s look at a few characters.

Poor Acceleration – a blocked catalytic converter hinders exhaust gas flow inhibiting the combustion in the cylinders.

High Fuel Consumption – Your truck will consume more fuel due to poor Acceleration.

Rattling Noises – when a catalytic converter breaks, your truck will produce a rattling noise.


The catalytic converter ensures the emissions from your truck are safe when they come into contact with the environment. If it malfunctions, consider changing it.