Which Mini Truck Is Best To Purchase? Complete Guide

If you are into the world of Mini truck and love these Japanese engineering marvels, then you are already on the right track. These vehicles have stood the test of time and guarantee you a big bang for the money.

But with about a dozen mini truck models in the market, which one should you get? This can be a little confusing especially for someone who is still new to the industry and moreso into the Japanese mini trucks. But that shouldn’t worry you because in this guide, we will go through everything that you need to know and to make an informed decision on which mini truck you should be getting. But before that, here are some of the reasons why you should consider getting a kei mini truck.

Excellent Maintenance

Yet another crucial thing that you need to consider right from the start before you even consider buying the vehicle is how easy and regular does it need to be maintained. It is not unheard of to find someone getting a vehicle that they have to struggle getting spare parts or one that needs the attention of a mechanic every weekend. Unless you are ready to keep burning money on your vehicle, you need to choose one that doesn’t require a lot of maintenance.

Maintenance of the Japanese mini trucks as well as repairs is great, all thanks to the engineering and technology behind it. with their popularity an reputation among industry experts, the Kei truck also have their spare parts readily available from all corners of the globe where these brands are.


Performance means everything in a vehicle and Japanese mini trucks ill not disappoint when it comes to this. When all you want is a vehicle that can deliver, then you need to check its performance an powertrain. For the case of the Mitsubishi minicabs and mini trucks, you will undoubtedly love the experience. These vehicles have been designed and engineered to give users the best performance when using the vehicle on their day to day errands.

The minicab for instance is designed to be used to carry passengers, supplies and goods and is best suited for someone who has to carry stuff or passengers on regular basis. On the other end, the mini truck is modeled to carry loads of hoods from one point to the other. It is like a pick up truck, only that it has a simpler and distinct model.

Heavy Duty Body

The structure, body and build of a vehicle will determine how durable it can go. Without a good body and structure, then the vehicle can easily get ripped apart of wear of faster than expected. This is especially if you use the vehicle under rough terrain or have to go use it on poor roads.

Mini trucks are built to last a lifetime as well as endure bad weather roads. And the way these mini trucks have been built makes it all a breeze. Their solid chassis structure, hard body design and high engineering makes the vehicle a good match for any road. This will therefore guarantee you a vehicle that is durable and not easy to wear off easily as time goes.

Here at Substar, we’ve worked with thousands of customers across the globe over the years. We will surely help you get your mini truck or minicab smoothly without much hassles.

Economical On Fuel

We all want to have a vehicle that goes miles with only a little fuel. It isn’t rocket science but something that can only be achieved when you have a good vehicle with good engineering. The best thing is that you don’t have to worry about that when you get yourself a mini truck. They consume less fuel yet still cover a long distance even with loads on them.

Japanese mini trucks boasts having low fuel consumption which also means lower carbon emission making these cars one of the best in their class. As pick up trucks and other bigger sized engine vehicles, the mini trucks offer better advantage. Anyone who has love the environment and want to be a part of a green movement, then this is yet another reason why you should be working on getting your Mitsubishi minicab or mini truck.

Which Mini Truck To Buy?

buy second hand Mini Trucks For Sale

Having seen the general coverage and what they all have in common, it has come to the final conclusion and decide which one you should be getting. Although the mini trucks have things in common, it is always good to go with the popular ones. Thee are the Daihatsu Hijet, Subaru Sambar, Honda Acty and the Suzuki Carry. There may be other models you may from smaller automakers but it is always safe to go with the best reputed ones. These are the models that have proven to have what it takes in terms of performance and deliverability.

Be sure to check out some that we have in our listing. You can always ask for more details concerning a vehicle and e will help you out. Having served hundreds of customers over the years, we are certain that you will love the experience with us.

Final Verdict

Japanese mini trucks have stood the test of time and you will love every bit of them. The high performance, dependability and fuel economy is just out of this world. You surely won’t go wrong with the mini trucks and will definitely love the experience.

Th best way to go of course is getting a second hand mini trucks, which you can check from the dozens that are currently listed in our sales page. Do visit and check out the specs, mileage an age o the vehicle, then get in touch with u to give you more details about the vehicle as well as help you though the sales an post sales processing. We are sure that you will love the experience of buying a second hand Japanese mini truck from us.

Japanese Mini Truck Manufacturers – Who Makes The Mini Trucks?

If you are an auto expert or at least have been keen on the auto wold, then you must know of the Japanese mini truck vehicles and how good they are. They are designed under ingenious engineering and are capable of handling a lot of work.

Unknown to many people, the Japanese mini trucks are a creation of different companies and automakers and not only one brand as many people assume it to be. In this guide, we will go through some of the mini truck manufacturers to give you an idea into the mini truck model.

Similarities In Mini Truck Models

Here are some of the common features, design models and things that makes the different Japanese mini tucks similar and at par with each other.

Specs and Engine Performance

Engineering and mechanics of a vehicle makes it either a good or poor performer. When it comes down to Japanese mini trucks, they are among the best made vehicles which guarantees users good performance.

Whether you are getting a vehicle that you can use for carrying farm produce or construction materials, its performance is paramount. Lucky enough, the Japanese mini trucks are well engineered to deliver. You will love the capabilities and performance it brings, even if it is a second hand vehicle.


Fuel economics is very important when choosing a vehicle to buy. Mini truck manufacturers have always been on the competitive edge innovating and trying to come up with the most economical vehicle. It has been a success and with every new model, it gets better. This is yet another great reason why you should consider getting the Japanese mini trucks. As compared to pick up trucks, they are way more fuel efficient and capable of delivering better per fuel mileage.

Getting a vehicle that uses less fuel and deliver good performance is sometimes hard to come by. The mini trucks have however found a way to make the vehicles fuel efficient and economical.

Low Maintenance

A vehicle that demands less in terms of repairs and maintenance is excellent to say the least. We all hate visiting the mechanic and repair shop often, an this is the vehicle that will not disappoint you.

So, if you are ready to save money while running your vehicle, you need to choose one that doesn’t require a lot of maintenance, and the mini truck fit the bill here. The maintenance and repair of the Japanese mini trucks as well as is amazing, thanks to incredible engineering.

Solid & Durable

Japanese mini trucks are made with a super heavy duty body and mean to endure even the toughest of roads. These kei trucks are built to last a lifetime and seamlessly run on rough roads. Another thing is their solid chassis structure, hard body design and amazing engineering at work which makes makes the vehicle a good match for any road.

So, if you need a vehicle that will go a long way giving you dependable service for many years to come, then you should consider the kei mini trucks.

Top Mini Truck Manufacturers

Here are some of the best mini truck manufacturers. Brands that have been around for a long time and promise to give car enthusiasts an experience like no other.

Honda Acty Mini Truck

Honda Acty is among the most popular mini trucks in the market. They are marketed almost everywhere across the globe and their services come in handy especially where pick up trucks don’t offer much value. The mini truck needs little in terms of maintenance and repairs and is also lauded by many for its fuel economy.

Daihatsu Hijet Mini Truck

Made by Daihatsu, a well known industry leader that has been around for eons, the Daihatsu Hijet is very promising and dependable in every imaginable way. Daihatsu Hijet also comes in a different It is definitely a kei truck that is worth considering.

Subaru Sambar Mini Truck

Subaru is an industry leader. As much as they are known for their saloon cars, sedans and racing cars, they also boast a significant industry share when it comes to the mini tucks. Their decades of experience in car making has seen them make high performing kei trucks that is very dependable.

Suzuki Carry Mini Truck

Nobody can debate about the quality of Suzuki vehicles. Loved for their excellent hard body, superior performance on and off road, the Suzuki Carry is just phenomenon. I you are seriously looking for an easy to maintain vehicle that you can always count on, then this is one that will get you value for the money.

Mazda Scrum Mini Truck

Mazda has a mini truck dubbed the Mazda Scrum, and although there aren’t many variations to this kei truck like you would find with Hijet and Suzuki Carry, it is still solid and dependable. There aren’t may of them out there as compared to the top popular models like Suzuki Carry, but if you re lucky to find one of the mini trucks, you will appreciate it.

Mitsubishi Mini Truck

mitsubishi mini truck

Although less popular than the other mini truck models discussed above, Mitsubishi has their own kei truck which is very powerful and competent by the mini truck standards. It is therefore worth investing in and having in your list of the best mini truck models to consider when shopping for one.

Having seen the popular mini truck manufacturers and ones that you should consider if you want to buy a kei truck, you should now consider buying one. Should you need a mini truck, then consider checking out our high quality second hand mini trucks in our listing page.

Final Verdict

The mini trucks are amazing vehicle that have stood the test of time. With more than half a dozen models from different brands competing, there is a lot to choose from.

Be sure to check out some of the latest listings for second hand mini trucks in our listing page. We have vetted and checked every detail of the vehicles we list. So you are guarantee that you get the best quality with precise details as describes in the listing.

Cómo evitar estafas al importar minivans desde Japón

Las minivans japonesas se encuentran entre las minivans más comunes en todo el mundo en la actualidad y todo esto se debe a su rendimiento sofisticado y excepcional, entre otras cosas. Conseguir una de las minivans japonesas podría ser una de las mejores inversiones que harás con los vehículos.

En esta guía, veremos algunas de las cosas que puede hacer para evitar estafas cuando está importando una minivan de Japón. Sin embargo, antes de todo eso, primero profundicemos en las ventajas que obtendrá al adquirir estos vehículos;

Son asequibles

¿No nos encantan todos los vehículos que son asequibles y exigen menos cuando se trata de mantenimiento? Apuesto a que todos lo hacemos. Minivans son vehículos asequibles con los que uno puede contar para adquirirlos y las versiones japonesas son las mejores con las que puede llevarse bien. Están fabricados por algunos de los principales fabricantes de automóviles y su principal objetivo es aportar valor a sus vehículos. Tampoco consumen mucho combustible como cabría esperar de otras alternativas de minivan.

Equilibrar la calidad y el rendimiento y, al mismo tiempo, controlar el costo de volar sobre el techo es algo que a todos nos encanta ver y los fabricantes de automóviles japoneses han hecho todo lo posible en este sentido. Además de todo esto, también te encantará lo económicos que son estos vehículos y el hecho de que exigen menos a la hora de mantenerlos.

Alto rendimiento

¿Quieres un vehículo que haga lo que tú quieres que haga? La mayoría de nosotros nos conformamos con vehículos que les atraen en lugar de lo que necesitan. Uno debe considerar las características y capacidades del vehículo y asegurarse de que están obteniendo lo mejor del vehículo que están obteniendo.

Las minivans japonesas se encuentran entre los mejores vehículos con los que puede contar para entregar. Ya sea que planee usarlo para su uso familiar o para transportar una carga delicada, las minivans japonesas son buenos vehículos que cumplen.

Teniendo en cuenta que estos vehículos también tienen la capacidad de girar ambos ejes para activar la tracción en las 4 ruedas, uno tiene la opción de cambiar a esto y sacar lo mejor de su vehículo.

Importar desde Japón es fácil

La mayoría de nosotros estamos atados a la idea de que importar un vehículo en el extranjero es un proceso largo y tedioso que llevará tiempo. Si bien la mayoría de nosotros tenemos fácil acceso y podemos adquirir fácilmente estos vehículos de los distribuidores locales, la gente no sopesa de cerca los méritos y deméritos. Si bien tiene la oportunidad de obtener su minivan instantáneamente mientras usa un distribuidor local, hay cosas como los costos que también debe considerar.

La verdad del asunto es que importar desde Japón es mucho más fácil de lo que muchos de nosotros pensamos. Con solo unos pocos trámites y pagando algunas tarifas, podría recibir su vehículo desde Japón en poco tiempo. Por lo tanto, la importación es una opción que quizás desee considerar si desea guardar y obtener una variedad de modelos para elegir.

Pasos para evitar estafas al comprar su mini camión

Las estafas han terminado y son algunas de las cosas que debe evitar para que todo funcione. A continuación se muestran algunas de las mejores formas que puede utilizar para detectar estafas fácilmente y solo asegúrese de estar trabajando con distribuidores de automóviles japoneses legítimos y confiables;

Investigue la empresa vendedora

blankSi hay algo que debe hacer para asegurarse de obtener el mejor trato y evitar las estafas, es primero asegurarse de que la empresa con la que está tratando sea lo suficientemente confiable. Hacer una investigación de antecedentes es la mejor manera de hacerlo. Lo bueno, sin embargo, es que con Internet, buscar y escanear a través de un sitio web es fácil y uno puede distinguir fácilmente una empresa legítima de una que es una estafa.

También debe considerar revisar los testimonios y reseñas de los clientes. El registro de salida

Tenga cuidado con los cebos de estafa comunes

Si bien las estafas son cada vez más comunes, la mayoría de ellas, si no todas, pueden evitarse fácilmente. Debe conocer los cebos de estafa comunes que se pueden evitar fácilmente. Entre algunas de las cosas que debe hacer o no hacer para evitar los cebos de estafa comunes se incluyen;

-Evitar a los concesionarios que toman atajos y no brindan una descripción completa sobre el vehículo que está buscando comprar. Un buen comprador que sea confiable debe revelar toda la información que el comprador solicite. Esto incluye las fotos del vehículo, así como videos de cómo funciona o está inactivo.

-Evitar realizar depósitos a cuentas distintas a la de la empresa vendedora es algo que también debes tener en cuenta. Hacer esto lo protege del riesgo de ser estafado por personas que se tergiversan.

-Hacer su propia diligencia debida sobre la naturaleza del trato. Más allá de todo esto, también debe asegurarse de hacer su debida diligencia y asegurarse de que el trato valga su inversión y que esté seguro de la inversión que está haciendo.

Consultar a otros

Otra cosa que debería considerar antes de realizar depósitos o comprar un vehículo en el extranjero es consultar con otros. Dado que no es el primero en importar un vehículo, sería bueno escuchar las experiencias de los demás para saber también qué evitar y qué hacer para asegurarse de que está obteniendo la mejor oferta. También le ayudará a ahorrar costes.

Palabra final:

Las minivans se encuentran entre los vehículos más queridos y la importación de Japón es una opción ideal que vale la pena considerar. Puedes ver algunos de los mejores minivans japonesas que tenemos en nuestra página de listados. Los hemos examinado e inspeccionado para asegurarnos de que cumplen con todos los estándares internacionales. Para que pueda comprarlos con confianza. También estaremos encantados de ayudarle a enviar el vehículo al puerto de destino deseado.

Cómo evitar estafas al importar minivans desde Japón

Las minivans japonesas se encuentran entre las minivans más comunes en todo el mundo en la actualidad y todo esto se debe a su rendimiento sofisticado y excepcional, entre otras cosas. Conseguir una de las minivans japonesas podría ser una de las mejores inversiones que harás con los vehículos.

En esta guía, veremos algunas de las cosas que puede hacer para evitar estafas cuando está importando una minivan de Japón. Sin embargo, antes de todo eso, primero profundicemos en las ventajas que obtendrá al adquirir estos vehículos;

Son asequibles

¿No nos encantan todos los vehículos que son asequibles y exigen menos cuando se trata de mantenimiento? Apuesto a que todos lo hacemos. Minivans son vehículos asequibles con los que uno puede contar para adquirirlos y las versiones japonesas son las mejores con las que puede llevarse bien. Están fabricados por algunos de los principales fabricantes de automóviles y su principal objetivo es aportar valor a sus vehículos. Tampoco consumen mucho combustible como cabría esperar de otras alternativas de minivan.

Equilibrar la calidad y el rendimiento y, al mismo tiempo, controlar el costo de volar sobre el techo es algo que a todos nos encanta ver y los fabricantes de automóviles japoneses han hecho todo lo posible en este sentido. Además de todo esto, también te encantará lo económicos que son estos vehículos y el hecho de que exigen menos a la hora de mantenerlos.

Alto rendimiento

¿Quieres un vehículo que haga lo que tú quieres que haga? La mayoría de nosotros nos conformamos con vehículos que les atraen en lugar de lo que necesitan. Uno debe considerar las características y capacidades del vehículo y asegurarse de que están obteniendo lo mejor del vehículo que están obteniendo.

Las minivans japonesas se encuentran entre los mejores vehículos con los que puede contar para entregar. Ya sea que planee usarlo para su uso familiar o para transportar una carga delicada, las minivans japonesas son buenos vehículos que cumplen.

Teniendo en cuenta que estos vehículos también tienen la capacidad de girar ambos ejes para activar la tracción en las 4 ruedas, uno tiene la opción de cambiar a esto y sacar lo mejor de su vehículo.

Importar desde Japón es fácil

La mayoría de nosotros estamos atados a la idea de que importar un vehículo en el extranjero es un proceso largo y tedioso que llevará tiempo. Si bien la mayoría de nosotros tenemos fácil acceso y podemos adquirir fácilmente estos vehículos de los distribuidores locales, la gente no sopesa de cerca los méritos y deméritos. Si bien tiene la oportunidad de obtener su minivan instantáneamente mientras usa un distribuidor local, hay cosas como los costos que también debe considerar.

La verdad del asunto es que importar desde Japón es mucho más fácil de lo que muchos de nosotros pensamos. Con solo unos pocos trámites y pagando algunas tarifas, podría recibir su vehículo desde Japón en poco tiempo. Por lo tanto, la importación es una opción que quizás desee considerar si desea guardar y obtener una variedad de modelos para elegir.

Pasos para evitar estafas al comprar su mini camión

Las estafas han terminado y son algunas de las cosas que debe evitar para que todo funcione. A continuación se muestran algunas de las mejores formas que puede utilizar para detectar estafas fácilmente y solo asegúrese de estar trabajando con distribuidores de automóviles japoneses legítimos y confiables;

Investigue la empresa vendedora

blankSi hay algo que debe hacer para asegurarse de obtener el mejor trato y evitar las estafas, es primero asegurarse de que la empresa con la que está tratando sea lo suficientemente confiable. Hacer una investigación de antecedentes es la mejor manera de hacerlo. Lo bueno, sin embargo, es que con Internet, buscar y escanear a través de un sitio web es fácil y uno puede distinguir fácilmente una empresa legítima de una que es una estafa.

También debe considerar revisar los testimonios y reseñas de los clientes. El registro de salida

Tenga cuidado con los cebos de estafa comunes

Si bien las estafas son cada vez más comunes, la mayoría de ellas, si no todas, pueden evitarse fácilmente. Debe conocer los cebos de estafa comunes que se pueden evitar fácilmente. Entre algunas de las cosas que debe hacer o no hacer para evitar los cebos de estafa comunes se incluyen;

-Evitar a los concesionarios que toman atajos y no brindan una descripción completa sobre el vehículo que está buscando comprar. Un buen comprador que sea confiable debe revelar toda la información que el comprador solicite. Esto incluye las fotos del vehículo, así como videos de cómo funciona o está inactivo.

-Evitar realizar depósitos a cuentas distintas a la de la empresa vendedora es algo que también debes tener en cuenta. Hacer esto lo protege del riesgo de ser estafado por personas que se tergiversan.

-Hacer su propia diligencia debida sobre la naturaleza del trato. Más allá de todo esto, también debe asegurarse de hacer su debida diligencia y asegurarse de que el trato valga su inversión y que esté seguro de la inversión que está haciendo.

Consultar a otros

Otra cosa que debería considerar antes de realizar depósitos o comprar un vehículo en el extranjero es consultar con otros. Dado que no es el primero en importar un vehículo, sería bueno escuchar las experiencias de los demás para saber también qué evitar y qué hacer para asegurarse de que está obteniendo la mejor oferta. También le ayudará a ahorrar costes.

Palabra final:

Las minivans se encuentran entre los vehículos más queridos y la importación de Japón es una opción ideal que vale la pena considerar. Puedes ver algunos de los mejores minivans japonesas que tenemos en nuestra página de listados. Los hemos examinado e inspeccionado para asegurarnos de que cumplen con todos los estándares internacionales. Para que pueda comprarlos con confianza. También estaremos encantados de ayudarle a enviar el vehículo al puerto de destino deseado.

Mini Truck Importing Guide – The Ultimate Blueprint

Have you always wanted to own a Japanese mini truck and aren’t sure on how to go about it? They are regarded as one of the best in terms of dependability and performance. And there are some perks that appear to make it much better and favorable as compared to standard pick up trucks.

The versatility, power and dependability that is offered by the Japanese mini truck is second to none, considering that it has a smaller engine built with some of the latest auto technology. So, how do you go a bout getting yourself the Japanese mini truck?

In this guide, we will go through some of the steps of importing a mini truck from Japan. Fact is that it is much easier than what many people think. With some paper work and a bit of caution an working with good companies, you will be able to get your vehicle fast and through a seamless process. Before we delve into the process, here are some of the best things about a Japanese mini truck.

Why The Japanese Mini Truck

If you still have your doubts about the Japanese mini truck, then here are some of the things that will make you fall in love with it.

Excellent Performance

Japanese mini tucks are a product of highly skilled engineers and industry experts who know what performance means. The Japanese mini truck breed has gone above and beyond to give users one of the best experience and usability. It is very powerful and one would hardly believe that the vehicle is made with a smaller sized engine. It has been compared with pick up trucks in many instances, an although it is a bit less powerful, it does most things done by a pick up truck.

Good Fuel Economy

Everybody wants a vehicle that uses less fuel and goes a long way. If you find yourself in such a situation, then this is a vehicle that won’t disappoint you. It is well-engineered to consume less fuel and convert that into power which users will love when operating the vehicle.

Value For Money

Most people don’t make rational decisions when buying a car. One needs to make an informed decision based on what they are getting. The ergonomics at play, performance and engineering in a vehicle should all make it sensible for the price of the vehicle. And when it comes down to that, you will find real value in a Japanese mini truck. It even gets better when you opt to go for a second hand mini truck.

Importing Japanese Mini Truck

Now that we have gone through some of the things that makes the Japanese mini tucks the amazing vehicles that they are, here are steps to get one imported.

Understanding The Legal Stuff

Perhaps the very fist thing you need to do before you even consider a particular vehicle is to check out the legal stuff and ensure that you have all the information about the restrictions on certain vehicles. So, before you go ahead and buy a Japanese mini tuck or any other type of vehicle, it is always wise to save yourself the stress and checking your state’s restrictions and legal stuff.

Most of the restrictions are usually the age limit. Some countries and states have restrictions against newer vehicles with the aim of promoting the local industry. Without checking this, you may find yourself in trouble and having to return the vehicle or face penalties which is something that you wouldn’t ant to ever experience.

Choosing The Best Mini Truck

japanese used car

After you have checked and verified with the legal restrictions and finally decided on the mini truck model year that you should be getting, then you get to the next step which is choosing that vehicle. This is the most important part because whatever you choose should be able to deliver to your expectations. Luckily, there are always plenty of options for you to choose. The different models available will surely give you a wide range on the type that will complete your regular tasks. This can range from dump be mini trucks for carrying and easily unloading loads, scissor mini trucks to raise the load or just get a flat bed mini truck to help you carry abnormal load. As compared to pick up trucks, the mini truck offers better versatility in handling different loads.

Unfortunately, there are also a lot of fraud and cases where someone gets the wrong vehicle. Some sellers push vehicles that are of a lower duality by misrepresenting them and charging higher. To avoid this, you need to make sure that the company that you are working with is reputable and has been dealing with customers abroad for a long time.

Be sure to negotiate the price whenever possible which is something that can help you cut down on the costs.
The Actual Importing

After you know the vehicle to go for and know that everything else is good, then you come down to the actual importing. Although many people find it to be challenging, importing a vehicle from Japan is very easy. You only have o learn the process, avail yourself to sign and pay for clearance and have it shipped to your location. If that sounds like a lot of work, then you may want to consider using an import agency.

There are many import agencies that you can find in your local area and they are always a time saver and sometimes even help you save on importation costs.

Final Verdict

The surging usage of mini trucks is just a goo indicator that these vehicles are very dependable. Their affordability and versatility is something that not many other vehicles can achieve.

Be sure to check out some of the best mini trucks in our listing page. You can always get in touch with us and we will give you more details about the vehicle. That will guarantee you that you will be getting only the best that you have seen and not get surprised later.

Buying Mini Truck Guide – All You Need To Know

So you’ve come to the decision of buying a mini truck and just wondering where to start? Well, worry not because we’ve got your back. Mini trucks are amazing to say the least, and many industry experts can swear by them. They can fit and be used in many situations that can range from carrying produces, construction materials to hunting. Their rugged design and super sturdy construction makes them durable and good enough for any road. So whether you go through a rocky hill road or a muddy one, the Japanese mini tucks won’t complain.

But how good are the Japanese mini trucks? Are they are really as good as they say or is it just hype? Well, to help you figure that out, we have pointed out some of the crucial things that one must understand about mini trucks below.

They are Very Powerful

A good performing vehicle is one that is made to squeeze every power from its combustion engine, and the mini trucks happen to win in that game. Performance can be a challenge if you get a vehicle which you aren’t sure of its efficiency. And that can stop you from undertaking lots of things. In short, performance is crucial in everything you do. And when it comes down to choosing a good vehicle that gets things done, then the Japanese mini trucks stand out.


The Kei trucks being natives of Japan have to strictly adhere to the regulations put by the environmental authorities. In the end, the vehicle that come out are very Eco-friendly. They burn less fuel and in the process of saving on the cost of fuel, they also emit less carbon to the environment. This is something that the mini truck industry has achieved and used to edge out many other competing brands in the market.

So, if you are someone who cares about the environment and the future it holds, then investing in a Japanese mini truck is the way to go.

Good In Maintenance

Have you been through the nightmare of having to visit the mechanic every weekend and mid week? If that is your case, then you are losing a lot in terms of money. You might not see it, but spending money, however small on a vehicle every week is very inefficient. As compared to someone who takes forever to see their mechanic, you will realize that they also get to do a lot.

So, if you are in for a vehicle that doesn’t stress you with a lot of repairs and maintenance, then mini trucks will deliver. Their spares are also readily available which is yet another reason to go for it.

Affordable & Better Value

Buying a vehicle and how much it delivers is something that comes down to value. You will only consider your acquisition as a valuable one if the vehicle you get is affordable yet gets your job done. Japanese mini trucks are considered affordable. This is true especially when they are compared to pick up trucks which they act as alternative to.

If you want to even save more, then you may consider getting yourself a second hand Japanese mini truck. Considering the money you pay for and the capabilities you have at hand, then you will know that you are getting real value.

Buying a Mini Truck

If our discussion on the mini truck above has made you love the vehicle and want to get one for yourself, then you are probably wondering how you can get your hands on one of these machines. Below are some of the best steps that you should take when buying yourself a mini truck.

Do Your Due Diligence

Before you even think of making a transaction or acquiring a vehicle, it is always important to do your homework and make sure that the vehicle you see is perfect and good enough to work on your line of work. Although there could be plenty of options including in your area, why not get one from Japan yourself? This will save you a lot of money and guarantee you that you get a good vehicle that you can always count on.

Know The Street Legal Regulations

There are different laws in every country and state. And it would be wise of you to first know the laws involving the vehicles and importing them. This is to avoid having issues after you have imported the vehicle. The last thing you’d want is to have a vehicle that gets impounded by authorities because it doesn’t meet the street legal regulations. You will lose your vehicle and it will probably cost you a lot of money.

Consult An Expert

This is a crucial step if you have never imported a vehicle before. It helps you further grasp some of the important things to consider when you are buying a vehicle. There are import experts all over in every country and finding one will help you answer some of the questions you may have about getting your vehicle to arrive. This process will also help you know how to avoid the cons and fraudsters. And if you don’t have much time or find the whole process tiresome, you may opt for an import agency who usually do everything till you have your vehicle at your doorstep.

Import From A Reputable Company

importing from Japan buying mini truck

finally, you will come to have your vehicle imported. Shop around the listing of the company selling, understand the vehicle and get a good price. Knowing that there are fraudsters all over, it is crucial and safe to work with a company that will not sell you the wrong car.

Final Word

If you are going to buy a Japanese mini tuck, then you should expect to get high quality services. These vehicles have been around for many years and their reputation in the industry is second to none. They are the best alternatives to the highly priced pick up trucks. Check out some of the best Japanese mini trucks that we are selling on our listing page.

What Is A Mini Truck – All You Need TO Know About Kei Trucks

If you have been watching the auto industry for a while then you will realize that there are a certain breed of vehicles that are designed like small trucks and designed with beds that resemble pick up trucks. Chances are that you were staring at a mini truck, otherwise known as Kei trucks locally in Japan, where it originated from. So, for the record, a mini truck is a Japanese vehicle designed to resemble a pick up truck, only with a different appearance and a modeling. These vehicles have stood the test of time and with their surging popularity, they are among the go-to vehicles for anyone that is looking for something that they can use to carry loads from one point to the other.

There are different automakers from Japan who design the mini truck vehicles. Although they come in different models, they are almost similar and have some common features which makes them the standard. Among some of the top Japanese mini trucks in the market includes Honda Acty, Subaru Sambar, Suzuki Carry and Daihatsu Hijet. These have been the top models dominating the industry.

In this comprehensive guide, we will focus on everything that you need to know about the Japanese mini truck and also help you figure out if it is a vehicle for you as well as how to get it if you need one. Let’s get started.

Who Should Get A Mini Truck

Japanese mini truck is a versatile vehicle that is designed to flexible handle many different tasks. Do a little research on the vehicles and you will realize that they are used in different parts of the world for different purposes. You will find people using it on farms, for carrying different load, hunting and almost anything else that a pick up truck can do.

Simply put, anyone can get the Japanese mini truck, as long as they feel that they can use the mini truck to get their daily errands done.

Second Hand Vs New Mini Truck

Which is the best to buy? A brand new mini truck or a second hand one? This can be very confusing especially when you are still new to mini trucks. While it is true that brand new vehicles are superior as compared to second hand used vehicles, you will be amazed at the power that you can get from second hand Japanese vehicles.

Some countries and states have regulations that only allows a certain model of vehicle which have a certain age to be used as street legal vehicles. In most cases second hand mini trucks are favored and loved, for instance in the United states. By that token, getting a second hand mini truck would be your only option.

To conclude, getting a brand new mini truck is a great idea and comes with its advantages. However, you will get it a a higher price tag as compared to getting a second hand option. A second hand mini truck is good if you are looking to save a lot. It performs well and if well maintained will still serve you for many year to come. You won’t even realize that you are running an older version.

Buying & Importing A Mini Truck

second hand mini truck

What is it like to import a mini truck from Japan? Is it hard? and what is the process of importing? These are some of the most commonly asked questions when someone is considering importing a vehicle from Japan or any other country.

Of course the first step before you even think of importing a car is to first shop and really determine whether that is really the vehicle that you want to own. You need to do your due diligence and ensure that everything in the vehicle is intact and as advertised. Without doing that, you could find yourself being a victim of bait and switch or fraud. Those are some of the things that you need to be keen on to make sure you don’t lose money.

After that, be sure to check that the vehicle you are getting is allowed and meets all the requirements in your country or state. As aforementioned, there are countries and states with restrictions which are mostly on the age of the vehicle. This will save you the hassle and the risk of finding yourself with a vehicle that you cannot use. It can also be costly having to return a vehicle incase you import it and realize that it is not up with your state regulations.

Next, you’d want to consider using an import agency. This is especially if you are new and have no clue where to start. an import agency will help you with every import process and even get you to take advantage of some importing deals.

Lastly, is closing the deal and then actual importing process. It is always good to make sure that you are importing from a reputable company. Check the address and avoid sending money to an offshore bank with a different name. Always doubleheader the name and details.

We are among the most reputed vehicle selling companies in Japan and have sold thousands of vehicles over the years. We mostly deal with mini trucks, minivans and minicabs. so if you need one, we are always here to help you out. Be sure to check out our listing page for the latest used mini trucks and minivans. We will provide you with details of the vehicle and even get you a footage of how the vehicle runs. so be sure to get in touch with us.

Final Verdict

Japanese mini trucks are among the go-to vehicles and have been considered a good alternative to pick up trucks. They are very economical, dependable and offer guaranteed performance. Should you decide to get one, then you should get in touch with us and we will give you some pointers on importing one. Also check out some that we have listed on our listing page.

Mazda Scrum Truck – Is It The Best Mini Truck

mazda scrum

Mazda is one of the most popular car brands. Although they are not as popular as Toyota in some parts of the world, they are still one of the best and most dominant vehicles one can get. Their incredible performance, strength and dependability makes them lovable by many vehicle enthusiasts. The car maker manufactures different types of cars and models which offers users different options for different uses. Among these vehicle models is the Mazda Scrum, a mini truck vehicle model that has won accolades for its dependency.

In this guide, we will be going through the Mazda Scrum truck, citing all you need to know about the vehicle and figure out why it could be your ultimate choice of mini truck to get.

Why The Mazda Scum? Is It Worth It?

Mazda Scrum is an engineering marvel by Mazda and it was first developed to fill the gap in the Japanese mini truck gap. It became a handy vehicle, thanks to its incredible performance that borrows from many years of Japanese auto engineering. This is why the Mazda Scrum stands out and guaranteed to deliver beyond user’s expectations.

The design, specifications and incredible performance makes the Mazda scrum a vehicle that is worth investing in. You surely won’t go wrong choosing it since it is competitive when it comes to the mini truck class. Below are some of the things that would make you even like the mini truck more;


What is the purpose of a vehicle if it has poor performance or doesn’t compete? Performance is everything in a vehicle and should be the very first consideration when you are looking to invest in a vehicle. To make a vehicle that is high performing, the car maker needs to employ an ingenious engineering and craftsmanship, something that Mazda is known to excel at. And this better explains why so many people laud the vehicle for its incredible performance and dependability.

Mazda Scrum mini truck is made under high tech engineering and has been seeing improvements with every new release. This has made the Mazda Scrum one of the best performing in the mini truck (Kei truck) class.

Great Fuel Economy

Another thin g that you have to be keen on when buying a vehicle is how economical it is. Generally, the Japanese mini trucks are considered very economical as they consume less fuel as compared to other similar vehicles like pick up trucks. This is because they are made with small engines which requires less energy to run them and hence the lower amount of fuel required. While this reduces the cost of running the car on a regular run, the ergonomics at play ensures that the engine squeezes a lot of power and gives users top experience and power to perform even the toughest of errands with the vehicle. The vehicle can carry pretty much anything that fits in its bed.

If you are therefore looking for a good quality vehicle that will get the job done without guzzling up a lot of fuel, then it could be the Mazda Scrum mini truck. Even the older models seem to be good at it and not only the newer m models.

Solid Build

A good vehicle is one that is built to endure rough usage and abuse, and Mazda Scrum happens to be one of those vehicles. Everything from the vehicle chassis to the body of the vehicle should be hardy and ready to handle tough abuse. Without that, you may experience a lot of problems and having to repair parts or weld broken parts. Luckily, with the Mazda Scrum mini truck, you won’t have to worry about that. It is made with a hard body and a stable structure that will ensure long life and consistent services.

So, whether you are in need of a vehicle that you intend to be using for hunting, carrying farm loads, concrete, building materials or use it on rough roads, Mazda Scrum is up to the task.

Environmentally Friendly

With fuel powered vehicles contributing to a huge fraction of carbon emissions, it is a major concern that the auto industry needs to keenly look into. Mazda and other Japanese automakers have already forged ahead and make more environmentally friendly vehicles. The Mazda Scrum is made using high technology that is meant to ensure less carbon emission and a more Eco-friendly environment. This is also in line with Japanese automakers requirements which discourages the use of older models and more into the vehicles that have advanced fuel burning systems that reduces carbon emission.

Choosing to go with the Mazda Scrum will therefore help improve the environment.

Buying A Second Hand Mazda Scrum


Having looked at the Mazda Scrum mini truck and learned all the good you stand to get from the vehicle, us it time you consider getting yourself one? If you have finally made up your mind and want to get your hands on one of these vehicles, then the best way to do it is to get a second hand version of it. This will ensure that it is cheaper and with some countries, it lets you stay within the street legal regulations.

Here at Substar Inc, we have been listing and selling second hand Japanese mini trucks and mini vans for many years. You are always welcome to check out our listing page for the latest listings which are always affordable. We also take an extra step of scrutinizing every vehicle that we list and sell in our yard. This is to ensure that our customers get the best quality and get the vehicle that they are promised. Be sure to get in touch with us for any inquiries.

Final Word

Mazda Scrum mini trucks are among the best vehicles one can get their hands on, Period. The dependability, performance and value you get is just amazing. You surely won’t regret getting yourself one of these vehicles. We recommend that you get started with a second hand model and you can always check out what we have in stock. We have mini trucks, mini van, minicabs and many other Japanese models.

Mitsubishi Minicab & Mini Truck – All You Need To Know!

Mitsubishi minicab

Mitsubishi is without a doubt one of the best vehicles across the globe. And their reputation is only because they are good at what they do and that is making high performance vehicle that deliver on their promise. The Mitsubishi Minivan and mini truck are good examples of their best selling high performance vehicle models which one can get. Whichever model that you get from the Mitsubishi minicab or mini truck class, you surely won’t regret it.

If you still have doubts and scratching your head as to whether you should get one of these, then the guide below will help you better understand the Mitsubishi minicabs and mini trucks. It details everything you need to know about the vehicle models, why you should get it and how to get your hands on an affordable yet high performing minicab or mini truck.

Are Mitsubishi Minicabs Worth It?

Mitsubishi’s excellence and dominance int he industry is all thanks to their incredible engineering, perfection and eons of experience. In all honesty, nobody would detest or argue that Mitsubishi vehicles are of low quality. They stand out from the rest and getting yourself one of these machines would be an investment that is worth it.

Mitsubishi minicabs and mini trucks are modeled to look like most of the Japanese Kei trucks, which means that they have an almost similar structure and performance. Below are some of the reasons why the Mitsubishi minicabs and mini trucks stand out and guaranteed to give you the best that you would ever need in a mini truck or minicab of this class. Below are some of the reasons why the Japanese Mitsubishi minicabs and mini trucks are worth going for.

Great Performance

If you are getting a vehicle,m then you need to know that performance is of the essence and nothing else will better define a good vehicle. If you want a vehicle that delivers, then you need to check its performance reputation. For the case of the Mitsubishi minicabs and mini trucks, you will undoubtedly love the experience. These vehicles have been designed and engineered to give users the best performance when using the vehicle on their day to day errands.

The minicab for instance is designed to be used to carry passengers, supplies and goods and is best suited for someone who has to carry stuff or passengers on regular basis. On the other end, the mini truck is modeled to carry loads of hoods from one point to the other. It is like a pick up truck, only that it has a simpler and distinct model.

Good Fuel Economy

Fuel consumption is something that is often under-looked by many people, yet it is one of the biggest one should consider. Who wants a vehicle that takes a lot of fuel anyway? Luckily, you don’t have to worry about that when you get yourself a Mitsubishi minicab or mini truck. They consume less fuel yet still cover a long distance even with loads on them.

With their low fuel consumption also comes int he case of low carbon emission which makes these vehicles the best in their class. As compared to guzzler pick up trucks, this is way better when it comes to low carbon emission. So, if you love the environment and want to be a part of a green movement, then this is yet another reason why you should be working on getting your Mitsubishi minicab or mini truck.

Excellent Maintenance

Another thing that people should consider when buying a vehicle is how easy it is to maintain and repair. It is not unheard of to find someone getting a vehicle that they have to struggle getting spare parts or one that needs the attention of a mechanic every weekend. Unless you are ready to keep burning money on your vehicle, you need to choose one that doesn’t require a lot of maintenance.

For the case of Mitsubishi minicabs and mini trucks, you don’t have to visit the repair shop regularly. This is all thanks to good engineering that ensures excellent engine and mechanical functionality. Being a very popular vehicle, their spare parts are also readily available so you will not find yourself in the middle of nowhere trying to find a way to ship spare parts from overseas.

Durable Body & Structure

The structure, body and build of a vehicle will determine how durable it can go. Without a good body and structure, then the vehicle can easily get ripped apart of wear of faster than expected. This is especially if you use the vehicle under rough terrain or have to go use it on poor roads.

Mitsubishi minicabs and mini trucks are built to last and endure bad weather roads. So, you don’t have anything to worry when it comes down to that. Their solid chassis structure, hard body design and high engineering makes the vehicle a good match for any road. This will therefore guarantee you a vehicle that is durable and not easy to wear off easily as time goes.

Importing A Mitsubishi Minicab or Mini Truck

spare parts for mini trucks

Now that you’ve heard about all the incredible performance that you can get with the Mitsubishi minicab and mini trucks, isn’t it time to consider importing it? Importing a second hand Japanese mini truck or mini van isn’t that hard. Especially when you are working with a credible importing agency or buying it from a company that helps their customers ship the vehicle.

Here at Substar, we’ve worked with thousands of customers across the globe over the years. We will surely help you get your mini truck or minicab smoothly without much hassles.

Final Verdict

The Japanese mini trucks are surging in popularity. They are loved for their high performance, dependability and fuel economy. Among them is the Mitsubishi minicabs and mini trucks class which are lovable in every way. Above are some of the things that are worth noting about the vehicle and why you should consider getting them.

We sell tons of second hand Japanese mini trucks and will surely help you have the vehicle shipped to your country. Be sure to check out our current listing and get in touch with us for more details on the vehicle before buying it.

Subaru Sambar Mini Truck – Among The Best Kei Trucks

From saloon cars to racing cars and trucks, Subaru is a brand to reckon. The car as a brand is loved across the globe and from the ingenious craftsmanship and engineering, you are guaranteed of good service for a long time. Their vehicles are very reliable and you can always count on them. Among their best selling models in the market besides saloon cars are kei trucks, more specifically the Subaru Sambar mini truck.

The trend and surging use of mini trucks is not a surprise. Subaru Sambar is a great option that you may want to consider if you are looking for a good pick up truck alternative. It is made to look like a pick up tr4uck, only with a little different styling. Their capabilities, fuel economy and dependability is however one of the greatest in its class.

So, how good are Subaru Sambar? Below, we will delve into everything that you may want to know about Subaru Sambar mini truck citing all the [possibilities you can get with it.

Why Choose Subaru Sambar Mini Truck

Here are some of the things that best defines the Subaru Sambar and make it one of the most coveted vehicle across the globe.


Performance is everything in a vehicle and if you cannot get performance from your vehicle, then you might not be able to do as you wish with your vehicle.

Fuel Efficiency

We all hate guzzlers. Unless you are getting fuel for pennies on the dollar, you have to make sure that you are getting a vehicle that doesn’t guzzle up a lot of fuel. With fuel prices skyrocketing, you need to make sure that it will not cost you in the long run. Many people always have the notion that the more a vehicle guzzles fuel, the more power and performance you can get with it. However, that is not true. It is not always true that the more a vehicle takes, the more power you get. Some, like the Subaru Sambar and the Kei trucks class are known and loved for their excellent fuel economy.

Subaru Sambar is made with a small engine capacity, which to many people might seem like it will not deliver high performance. However, the reality is that the vehicle is very powerful, thanks to the engineering and mechanics in play. It has a powerful system which can carry tons of load without using too much power from the fuel and engine as it is small.

Body Solidity

The endurance, durability and long service from a vehicle all depends on the build. Subaru Sambar is among the best when it comes to body mold and solidity. It is ranked among the top when it comes to the Japanese mini trucks class. When looking at a vehicle’s strength, the hard-body and chassis are some of the parts that you need to be concerned about.

If you have always been concerned about getting a vehicle that will give you long life, then you wouldn’t have any problems with the Subaru Sambar mini truck. The vehicle is made with a hard-body, solid chassis and is well engineered to last long.

Low Maintenance

If you find yourself with a vehicle that demands the attention of a mechanic all the time, then you should try top get rid of it when you can. A good vehicle is defined by how well it is taken care of. But that also means that the mechanics and engineering used in making it needs to be spot on. That is when you can only dream of a low maintenance vehicle.

Subaru as a brand has earned a good reputation in making cars that are solid and durable. The reinforced design and hard body of the Subaru Samba coupled with an ingenious engineering. With the popularity that Subaru and their vehicle models have gained across the globe, it is also easy to find their spare parts and have the vehicles repaired with ease.

Buying Subaru Sambar Mini Truck


Now that you have a good understanding of the Subaru Sambar, it is time to decide whether you need to buy the vehicle. With the dependability, high performance and unparalleled fuel economy, the Subaru Sambar mini truck is a good vehicle that is worth getting. It is sure to deliver beyond your expectations.

So how does one go about the process of buying a Subaru Sambar? The best place to get it is by getting a second hand Subaru Sambar from Japan. And it is a surprisingly easy process if you have the right company to buy from. Here are some tips to help you get the vehicle you want and avoid getting a bad one that doesn’t meet your expectations.

  • Work with trusted companies that have been in the industry for long enough. This is because there are lots of companies that will force fraud and take away your money.
  • Be sure to do your due diligence to get the vehicle you need and avoid getting one that doesn’t meet your needs. You can always ask for a footage of the vehicle.
  • Take your time to compare the different options that are available to you to get the best deals and quality vehicle.

We have been in the industry for over a decade selling hundreds of second hand Japanese mini trucks every year. We help customers buy these vehicles and have them shipped easily within weeks. Regardless of the corner you are across the globe, we will help you ship the vehicle.

Final Verdict

Among some of the best Japanese mini trucks in the market, Subaru Samba is among those that stands out. It is a reliable, high performance vehicle that delivers on its advertised promise. It is definitely worth investing on.

Be sure to check out some of the best second hand Japanese vehicles in the market on our listing page. You can also get in touch with us to ask for more details and we will help you out any time.

Daihatsu Hijet Mini Truck (Kei Truck) – An Amazing Choice!

How much do you know about Japanese mini trucks, otherwise known as Kei trucks? If you have been keen on the Japanese auto industry, then you already know that these Kei trucks have an upwards demand trend across the globe. Daihatsu Hijet Mini Truck is a good example of this truck. There are many reasons why they are becoming the go-to cars for people who are looking for option to use for transportation. But how good are they really? Are they the excellent vehicles they keep praising or is it just hype?

To help you find out more about that, we have created this comprehensive guide where we breakdown the details and findings about the Daihatsu Hijet mini truck. Here we go.

Why Choose Daihatsu Hijet Mini Truck

Daihatsu mini trucks have been around for quite some time and are among the best selling in the Kei truck class. Over the years engineering improvement and new technology has seen them improve to become the modern day dependable vehicle. Depending on the design style, Daihatsu mini truck can be used under different occasions for different purposes.

To further break down Daihatsu Hijet, here are some of the pointers that are worth considering.


What is a vehicle without performance? If anything, performance is the first things that you need to look at before you even think about investing in one. Performance means the engine, drive-train and everything else that involves the daily running of the vehicle. A good performance vehicle should be able to meet your expectations and help you fulfill your intentions.

When it comes to the Daihatsu Hijet mini truck, there is really nothing to worry as much as performance is concerned. It is an incredible vehicle with a proven track record of performance and dependability. It is a vehicle that you can count on. Whether you will choose the Daihatsu Hijet mini van or the mini truck, they will both go beyond your expectations.

Efficiency & Fuel Economy

Fuel economy is something else that you should be so keen with. Nobody wants a vehicle that will take in so much fuel with little to show for it. This is especially crucial when the prices of fuel keep changing and sometimes can be so high making it hard to break even if you are using your vehicle for business. You need to make sure that the vehicle you are getting is very efficient and offers you the value for the fuel costs that you have spent on it.

When it comes to efficiency and fuel consumption, the Daihatsu Hijet would rank among the most economical vehicles in the market. They are comparable to the pick up trucks in many ways, including their capabilities and carrying capacity, yet they consume a fraction of what many standard pick up trucks would consume. This is yet another great reason why you should consider getting yourself a Japanese Daihatsu Hijet mini truck.

Body Strength

How durable will the vehicle you are getting last? If you would like a vehicle that is durable, then the body and its construction are some of the things you should be looking at. Besides the outer shell body, you should also be sure to check the interior and the chassis of the vehicle.

With respect to the body and the build of the vehicle, Daihatsu Hijet mini trucks have stood the test of time and proven to be among the most solid and durable body builds. Their hard body design ensures that users get good results regardless of the terrain and condition of the roads.


We all hate visiting the auto repair shop all the time to fix a broken part. If there was a way that we could avoid that and still have the vehicle running, I am sure everyone would opt for that. But since that is an inevitable thing, vehicles need maintenance once in a while. However, there are some vehicles that require less maintenance than others, and the good news is that the Daihatsu Hijet mini truck is one of them.

That is why you need to consider getting yourself one of these Kei trucks.

Value For Money

Lastly, you’d want to make sure that your investment is worth every dime spent. This means you need to ensure all other factors like vehicle quality, body structure and efficiency are all well thought.

The age of the vehicle, mileage on it are also crucial factors to consider which one should do price matching on. As the vehicle ages, it becomes cheaper, but might also need more maintenance as compared to one that is still newer. Depending on the purpose of the vehicle, you can determine whether you need a newer or just settle for an older and cheaper option.

How Do I Get A Daihatsu Hijet Mini Truck?

japanese mini truck

If you have finally decided that you will get a Daihatsu Hijet mini truck, then you are probably wondering where you should get one. There are tons of places where you can buy a Japanese mini truck,. However, you need one that will give you lots of buying options with a variety to choose from.

Importing it from Japan is definitely the way to go. And just as you might be thinking that it could be hard to do that, we are here to help you out. We have been helping tons of customers across the globe acquire second hand Japanese mini trucks. We will also help you find the best shipping and guide you on how to smoothly get your vehicle delivered hassle free.

Final Word

One of the best second hand Japanese mini trucks in the market is the Daihatsu Hijet. It has stood the test of time and has ranked among the best selling in its class. If you find yourself needing to carry load from one point to the other and need a vehicle that is both economical and gets you value for the money, then this could be it.

Be sure to check out our latest listings and get in touch with us if you do not find a specific second hand Japanese vehicle that you were looking for.

Suzuki Carry Truck – Why It Stands Out In The Market!

Anyone who has been around the auto industry and particularly watchful of Japanese autos knows that Suzuki is among the biggest names across the globe. Their wide range of vehicles and models have stood the test of time. Among some of their specialty is the manufacturing of mini trucks. Mini trucks resemble pick up trucks though their design is a bit different and more like a smaller lorry. Their performance, efficiency and dependability is however incredible by market standards. In this guide we will go into details about Suzuki Carry, citing out some of the things that makes it the mighty mini truck that it is, how good it is and whether it is really worth buying?

How good Is Suzuki Carry?

Suzuki Carry is a model that has been around for decades, only getting better with every other new version. With the understanding that the manufacturer is one of the leading innovators in the auto industry, Suzuki Carry is a vehicle that will not disappoint when it comes to dependability. Here are some of the highlights and things that will make you fall in love with Suzuki Carry.


Performance is everything ion a vehicle, and without it, you cannot say you have a good vehicle. Being able to deliver to the expectations is something that all of us need when acquiring a vehicle. Unfortunately, not every vehicle you see in the market will deliver. So is the Suzuki carry up to the task?

It might not be one of the highest when it comes to the horsepower, but the engineering in play makes it a good workhorse that you can rely on for day to day duties. Be it for farm usage, carrying construction materials or goods from one point to the other, you will have no complains with the use of Suzuki Carry.

Efficiency & Fuel Economy

In a world where fuel prices are going high, who needs a guzzler? People are trying to find vehicles that consume less fuel, and the good news is that Suzuki Carry is one of those vehicles.

If there is one thing that you will note with Suzuki Carry however, is how great it is when it comes to fuel economy and how much output you will get with just little fuel. So, if you are looking for a vehicle that you can use as an alternative to the pick up and other similar vehicles and expect good fuel economy and efficiency, Suzuki Carry might be the vehicle you are looking for.


We all hate a vehicle that keeps breaking down all the time, and would do anything to avoid such a vehicle. Unless you have a lot of time to spend with watching the mechanic changing parts in your vehicle, then you should consider getting yourself a well engineered vehicle like the Suzuki Carry.

Like many other vehicles by Suzuki, the Carry model has been designed with high engineering, by experts who have dominated the industry. For that reason, you can be confident with these vehicles knowing that the maintenance and repairing part isn’t going to give you sleepless nights.

Yet another great thing that is worth a mention is that the spare parts are readily available anywhere across the globe, something that we cannot say for many other vehicles out there.

Body Make & Solidity

Don’t we all love a vehicle that is durable and doesn’t dent quickly? With the understanding that scratches and getting dented is something that will happen to a vehicle one time, it would be good to have a vehicle that is well built with hard body. This is especially if you intend to use it off-road.

If you are a fan of hard-body machines and trucks, then you should add Suzuki Carry to your list if you haven’t already. Suzuki didn’t just master the engineering part, but also made sure that the body of the vehicle is solid enough to be used on hard terrains and places where not many other vehicles can endure. So, if you occasionally or regularly have to drive through a rugged or even rocky road where man modern vehicles cannot dare, then Suzuki Carry should be among the top in your buy list.

Who should Buy Suzuki Carry?

Suzuki Carry

Suzuki Carry is a really good vehicle that will give you value fort the money. Depending on the design, whether it is a truck styled or mini van styled, you can use it for many different purposes. From loading concrete to using the mini van as means of carrying supplies and similar items, you will love every bit of it.

So, to answer the question on who should be getting a Suzuki Carry vehicle, anyone can do it. And they can expect to get a vehicle that will go a long way delivering excellent performance, low maintenance and incredible dependability.

Final Word

To conclude, Suzuki Carry is one of the best vehicles that one can get their hands on. It is well designed to give users all they can want in term of both performance and dependability. Fortunately, it is much easier than you think to get a second hand Japanese vehicle, even if you are in a different country.

If you want to get yourself a good Suzuki Carry, then you may want to check out our wide range of vehicles on our listing page. We have plenty of options on our listing page which are updated on a regular basis. Whether you are in the United States, Canada New Zealand or anywhere across the g;lobe, you can shop our listing page and we will help you ship the vehicle.

We are a leading company that has been around for many years serving the globe with affordable sales in second hand Japanese mini trucks among other vehicles. So, be it mini trucks or mini vans, we are ready to deliver. Don;t hesitate to get in touch with us concerning buying a second hand vehicle from Japan. Having sold and helped facilitate shipment across the globe, you shouldn’t have any doubts that we can deliver.